JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyImporter
jtp.context Provides a basic configuration and interface for JTP. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.modelim Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. 
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.classifier

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.classifier
 class ClassifierTellingReasoner
          A telling reasoner that processes triples with the properties rdfs:subClassOf, daml:subClassOf, daml:sameClassAs, daml:intersectionOf, daml:unionOf, and daml:disjointUnionOf.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.context

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.context
 class IterativeDeepening
          An asking control reasoner that ensures that an iterative deepening search method is used to prove queries.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame
 class FrameKB
          FrameKB.java Created: Wed Oct 25 05:45:33 2000
 class LinkAsserter

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.fc

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.fc
 class AbstractRuleCreator
 class BackwardChainingStorage
          BackwardChainingStorage.java Created: Thu Jan 11 19:27:25 2001
 class InconsistencyActionCreator
 class NewRuleConsequences
 class OptimizedRuleInstantiator
          Overrides RuleInstantiator.acceptable(Object) to reduce the likelihood of OptimizedRuleInstantiator.process(java.lang.Object) getting invoked, thus (hopefully) optimizing it.
 class PredefinedActionCreator
 class RuleClauseAndTriggerInstaller
 class RuleInstantiator
 class RuleUnroller
 class SimpleRuleCreator
 class TrueLinkCreator
          TrueLinkCreator.java Created: Tue Mar 12 01:54:28 2002

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.listen

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.listen
 class VCListenerCreator
          A reasoner which installs ValueCollectionListeners in SlotValueCollections.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.listen.dl

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.frame.listen.dl
 class IntersectionTypeReasoner
          A telling reasoner that is activated when literals with the relation daml:intersectionOf are told.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.gmp

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.gmp
 class ClauseOrientationKB
          A general-purpose telling reasoner and knowledge store for Clauses.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.modelim

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.modelim
 class AskingQueryProcessor
          Converts a complex query into a pair of query definition and query answer literal.
 class BreadthFirstForwardReasoner
          A telling control reasoner that implements a breadth-first strategy in the search for derived consequences of an assertion.
 class ModelEliminationReasoner
          An asking control reasoner that works by decomposing goals into subgoals.

Uses of PropertyImporter in jtp.time

Subclasses of PropertyImporter in jtp.time
 class TimePointKnowledgeStore
          A KnowledgeStore for time points.

JTP API Documentation