JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ReasoningStepCollector
jtp.rs Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for ReasoningSteps. 

Uses of ReasoningStepCollector in jtp.frame

Methods in jtp.frame with parameters of type ReasoningStepCollector
protected  ValueLink LinkAsserter.prepareValueLink(ValueLinkCreationReasoningStep rs, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void FrameKB.putValue(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, Object value, boolean inverse, ReasoningStep proof, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
          This putValue method allows the user to specify to only assert the inverse value or the direct value.
 SlotValueCollection FrameKB.getValueCollection(Symbol facet, Symbol slot, Object frame, boolean inverseLookup, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)

Uses of ReasoningStepCollector in jtp.frame.listen

Methods in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type ReasoningStepCollector
 void AbstractVCListener.directValueAdded(Object val, ReasoningStep rs, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void AbstractVCListener.inputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void AbstractVCListener.outputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)

Uses of ReasoningStepCollector in jtp.frame.vc

Methods in jtp.frame.vc with parameters of type ReasoningStepCollector
 void Multiplexor.directValueAdded(Object value, ReasoningStep rs, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void Multiplexor.inputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void Multiplexor.outputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void ValueCollectionListener.directValueAdded(Object value, ReasoningStep rs, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void ValueCollectionListener.inputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)
 void ValueCollectionListener.outputLinkAdded(ValueLink vl, ReasoningStepCollector rsc)

Uses of ReasoningStepCollector in jtp.rs

Classes in jtp.rs that implement ReasoningStepCollector
 class DefaultReasoningStepCollector

JTP API Documentation