JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Clause
jtp.fol Provides classes representing structures of first order logic. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.proof Classes supporting JTP's implementation of InferenceWeb proofs

Uses of Clause in jtp.demod

Methods in jtp.demod that return Clause
static Clause DemodUtils.substitute(Clause cl, Map substMap, Collection substitutionsMade)

Methods in jtp.demod with parameters of type Clause
static Clause DemodUtils.substitute(Clause cl, Map substMap, Collection substitutionsMade)

Uses of Clause in jtp.fol

Subinterfaces of Clause in jtp.fol
 interface Literal
          This interface represents a first-order logic literal, that is, a simple relation-based sentence of the form (<rel> <arg1> <arg2> …) or (not (<rel> <arg1> <arg2> …)).

Classes in jtp.fol that implement Clause
 class DefaultClause
          Default implementation of Clause.
 class DefaultLiteral
          Default implementation of Literal.

Methods in jtp.fol that return Clause
static Clause SubstUtils.deReferenceClause(Clause cl)
          Returns a Clause based on cl in which Variables in its literals' arguments have been replaced by the values that they are bound to.
 Clause CanonicalVariables.canonicalize(Clause arg)
protected  Clause CanonicalVariables.canonicalize_internal(Clause cl)

Methods in jtp.fol with parameters of type Clause
static String SubstUtils.printClause(Clause cl)
          Printing method for Clauses.
static Clause SubstUtils.deReferenceClause(Clause cl)
          Returns a Clause based on cl in which Variables in its literals' arguments have been replaced by the values that they are bound to.
 Clause CanonicalVariables.canonicalize(Clause arg)
protected  Clause CanonicalVariables.canonicalize_internal(Clause cl)

Uses of Clause in jtp.fol.parser

Methods in jtp.fol.parser that return Clause
 Clause ClauseIterator.next()
          Returns the next clause in the iterator.

Uses of Clause in jtp.frame.fc

Methods in jtp.frame.fc that return Clause
 Clause BlendingRuleAction.getRuleClause()
 Clause RuleCreationReasoningStep.getRuleClause()

Methods in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Clause
protected  RuleTriggeringProofStep TrueLinkCreator.formRuleClause(Clause cl, Variable linkVar, Literal head, Literal source, RuleCreationReasoningStep rrs)
protected  Literal TrueLinkCreator.pickHeadLiteral(Clause cl)
protected  Literal InconsistencyActionCreator.formTargetLiteral(Clause cl, Symbol id)
 void Context.addRule(Clause ruleClause, String ruleName)
          adds a new rule to the system.
protected  void RuleCreationReasoningStep.setRuleClause(Clause cl)
protected static void ActionCreationReasoningStep.validateClause(Clause cl)

Constructors in jtp.frame.fc with parameters of type Clause
UnrollingRuleAction(Clause cl, Literal ruleLit, String id, RuleCreationReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
RuleCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID)
RuleCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID, List subProofSteps)
RuleCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID, URL kbLocation)
ActionCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID)
ActionCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID, List subProofSteps)

Uses of Clause in jtp.frame.listen

Methods in jtp.frame.listen that return Clause
protected  Clause VLTemplate.getClause()
protected  Clause TripleTemplate.getClause()
protected  Clause OneWayTripleTemplate.getClause()
protected abstract  Clause ListenerTemplate.getClause()
          The template instance returns a Clause that, as close as possible, indicates what this template represents in FOL.
protected  Clause VCTemplate.getClause()

Methods in jtp.frame.listen with parameters of type Clause
protected  void Context.addListener(String name, Clause ruleClause, Collection ignore, URL publicLocation)
 void Context.addRule(Clause ruleClause, String ruleName)
          Adds a new forward-chaining rule to the system.

Uses of Clause in jtp.gmp

Methods in jtp.gmp that return Clause
 Clause ClauseOrientation.getClause()

Methods in jtp.gmp with parameters of type Clause
static ClauseOrientation[] ClauseOrientation.produceOrientations(Clause cl)
          Given a Clause cl with n Literals, returns an array with n ClauseOrientations.

Constructors in jtp.gmp with parameters of type Clause
ClauseOrientation(Clause cl, Literal head)
          Creates a new clause orientation from a clause and a literal chosen as the orientation head.

Uses of Clause in jtp.proof

Methods in jtp.proof with parameters of type Clause
static String ProofUtil.printClauseAsImplication(Clause c, String prefix)
static Set ProofUtil.getVars(Clause cl)

Uses of Clause in jtp.time.demod

Methods in jtp.time.demod with parameters of type Clause
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Clause cl)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Clause cl, boolean mapSymbols)

Uses of Clause in jtp.ui.rs

Methods in jtp.ui.rs with parameters of type Clause
abstract  StringBuffer SentenceFormatPlain.format(Clause cl, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer KIFSentenceFormatPlain.format(Clause cl, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer KIFSentenceFormat.format(Clause cl, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
abstract  StringBuffer SentenceFormat.format(Clause cl, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)
 StringBuffer EnglishSentenceFormat.format(Clause cl, StringBuffer sb, FieldPosition ignored)

JTP API Documentation