JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use ReasoningException
jtp Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. 
jtp.context Provides a basic configuration and interface for JTP. 
jtp.context.daml Provides a DAML+OIL configuration and interface for JTP. 
jtp.gmp Provides a knowledge store for Clauses and Generalized Modus Ponens reasoning capability. 
jtp.modelim Contains general-purpose reasoners, including a telling control reasoner, an asking control reasoner, and reasoners that implement the model elimination procedure. 
jtp.rs Contains important subclasses of ReasoningStep and ReasoningStepIterator as well as utility methods for ReasoningSteps. 
jtp.time Implements reasoners and classes that allow JTP to reason about temporal information in a KB. 

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp

Subclasses of ReasoningException in jtp
 class InconsistencyException
          This exception is thrown when an inconsistency is produced during reasoning.

Methods in jtp that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStep ReasoningStepIterator.next()
          retrieves the next reasoning step in the sequence, or null if there are no more.
 ReasoningStepIterator Reasoner.process(Object goal)
          This method attempts to find proof for the goal.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.classifier

Methods in jtp.classifier that throw ReasoningException
protected  Classifier.ClassifyInfo Classifier.classifyConjConcept(Resource c)
protected  Classifier.ClassifyInfo Classifier.classifyDisjConcept(Resource c)
protected  Classifier.ClassifyInfo Classifier.insertConcept(Resource c, Set mss, Set mgs)
          Given the mss/mgs sets, insert the new constituent.
 Collection Kb.addSubclassLink(Object csub, Object csuper)
          Adds a _SUBSUMED_BY link from csub to csuper.
 Collection Kb.addEquivalence(Object c1, Object c2)
          Collapses c1 and c2.
 Collection Kb.addConjunct(Object conjunct, Collection constituents)
          Adds and classifies conjunctively defined concept.
 Collection Kb.addDisjunct(Object disjunct, Collection constituents)
          Adds and classifies disjunctively defined concept.
protected  Collection Kb.classifyConjunctsWithMGSOnly(Collection conjuncts)
protected  Collection Kb.classifyDisjunctsWithMSSOnly(Collection disjuncts)
protected  Collection Kb.reClassifyDefinedConceptsAbove(Resource start)
protected  Collection Kb.reClassifyDefinedConceptsBelow(Resource start)
protected  Collection Kb.reClassifyDefinedConceptsAbove(Collection starts)
protected  Collection Kb.reClassifyDefinedConceptsBelow(Collection starts)
protected  Collection Kb.reClassifyDefinedConceptsAboveAndBelow(Resource rsub, Resource rsuper)
protected  Resource Kb.createResource(Object name)
protected  void Kb.deleteResource(Resource r)
protected  void Kb.addResourceAlias(Object alias, Resource r)
protected  Modifier Kb.createModifier(Object name, Relation r, Resource c, Resource t, int card_val)
protected  Modifier Kb.getOrCreateModifier(Object name, Relation r, Resource c, Resource t, int card_val)
protected  Relation Kb.createRelation(Object name, Relation inv, Relation parent)
protected  Relation Kb.getOrCreateRelation(Object name, Relation inv, Relation parent)
protected  Resource Kb.detectAndCollapseCycle(Resource c, Relation rel)
          If Resource c is involved in a Relation rel cycle, c is collapsed with the other Resources in the cycle, and a new canonical Resource is returned.
protected  Resource Kb.collapseCycle(Collection cycle)
          There should be no duplicates in the cycle.
 ReasoningStepIterator ClassifierTellingReasoner.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.context

Methods in jtp.context that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator IterativeDeepening.process(Object goal)
 void BasicReasoningContext.untell(Object assertion)
          Attempts to untell assertion via the undo manager.
 int BasicReasoningContext.tell(Object assertion)
          A DirectAssertion with assertion as its goal is sent to the TellingControlReasoner.
protected  int BasicReasoningContext.tellInternal(DirectAssertion assertion)
          Helper method called by most of the public tell methods (e.g., BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String)).
 int BasicReasoningContext.assertString(String assertion)
          Deprecated. Use BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String).
 int BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion)
          Asserts to the telling reasoners the Clauses encoded in a String.
 int BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, URL url)
          Asserts to the telling reasoners the clauses encoded in a String.
 ReasoningStepIterator BasicReasoningContext.getStringAssertionResults(String assertion)
          Asserts to the telling reasoners the clauses encoded in a String.
 ReasoningStepIterator BasicReasoningContext.getAssertionResults(DirectAssertion assertion)
          Asserts assertion to the telling reasoners.
 ReasoningStepIterator BasicReasoningContext.ask(String query)
          Submits a query.
 void BasicReasoningContext.loadKB(URL actualLocation, URL publicLocation)
          Loads a KB from a URL.
 void BasicReasoningContext.loadClauses(ClauseIterator cit, URL publicLocation)
          Feeds a sequence of clauses to the telling reasoner.
 void BasicReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url)
          Loads a KB from a URL.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.context.daml

Methods in jtp.context.daml that throw ReasoningException
 void DamlReasoningContext.loadDamlKB(URL url, URL publicLocation)
          Deprecated. Use RDFReasoningContext.loadRDFKB(URL, URL).
 void DamlReasoningContext.loadDamlKB(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model model, URL publicLocation)
          Deprecated. Use RDFReasoningContext.loadRDFKB(Model, URL).
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.disjointnessInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are instances of disjoint classes.
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.equivalenceInconsistencies()
          Checks for pairs of objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are asserted or inferred to be both equivalent to and distinct from each other.
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.exceedsMaxCard0Inconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are restricted to have zero values of a particular type for a particular property, but they violate this restriction.
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.nothingInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be a member of the empty class (daml:Nothing).
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.nilItemInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be an item in the empty list (daml:nil).
 ReasoningStepIterator DamlReasoningContext.nilRestInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be a continuation (daml:rest) of the empty list (daml:nil).

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.context.owl

Methods in jtp.context.owl that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.disjointnessInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are instances of disjoint classes.
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.equivalenceInconsistencies()
          Checks for pairs of objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are asserted or inferred to be both equivalent to and distinct from each other.
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.exceedsMaxCard0Inconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they are restricted to have zero values for a particular property, but they violate this restriction.
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.nothingInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be a member of the empty class (owl:Nothing).
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.nilItemInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be an item in the empty list (rdf:nil).
 ReasoningStepIterator OWLReasoningContext.nilRestInconsistencies()
          Checks for objects in the knowledge base that are inconsistent because they have been asserted or inferred to be a continuation (rdf:rest) of the empty list (rdf:nil).

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.context.rdf

Methods in jtp.context.rdf that throw ReasoningException
 int RDFReasoningContext.assertKifString(String assertion)
          Deprecated. Use RDFReasoningContext.tellKifString(String).
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellKifString(String assertion)
          Stores the assertion as well as its forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.assertString(String assertion)
          Deprecated. Use RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String).
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion)
          Stores the triples represented in a RDF-formatted string as well as forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, URL location)
          Stores the triples represented in a RDF-formatted string as well as forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, FirstOrderLogicParser parser)
          Stores the triples represented in the string as well as forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, URL location, FirstOrderLogicParser parser)
          Stores the assertion as well as its forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.tell(Object assertion)
          Processes the assertion (without parsing it as in RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String)) as well as forward-chained information.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url, URL publicLocation, FirstOrderLogicParser p)
          Loads KBs with the specified parser.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url, FirstOrderLogicParser p)
          Loads KBs with the specified parser.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadRDFKB(URL url, URL publicLocation)
          Loads content of RDF KBs.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadRDFKB(com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model model, URL publicLocation)
          Loads a KB stored in a Jena model.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url)
          Loads KBs with an RDF parser.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKifKB(URL url)
          Loads url with a KIF parser.
 ReasoningStepIterator RDFReasoningContext.ask(URL premise, String query)
          Premise is loaded with RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL), and query is then passed to RDFReasoningContext.ask(String).
 ReasoningStepIterator RDFReasoningContext.ask(String query)
          Submits a KIF-formatted query.
 void RDFReasoningContext.untellString(String assertion)
 void RDFReasoningContext.untell(Object assertion)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.demod

Methods in jtp.demod that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator ForwardChainingDemodulationProxy.process(Object assertion)
 ReasoningStepIterator DemodulatingProxy.process(Object goal)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.disp

Methods in jtp.disp that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator RelationBasedFCDispatcher.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator RelationBasedDispatcher.process(Literal lit, Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator RelationBasedBCDispatcher.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.fol.parser

Subclasses of ReasoningException in jtp.fol.parser
 class ParsingException

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.frame

Methods in jtp.frame that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator SlotValueAskingReasoner.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.frame.fc

Methods in jtp.frame.fc that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator TrueLinkCreator.process(Object o)
protected  RuleTriggeringProofStep TrueLinkCreator.formRuleClause(Clause cl, Variable linkVar, Literal head, Literal source, RuleCreationReasoningStep rrs)
 ReasoningStepIterator SimpleRuleCreator.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator PredefinedActionCreator.process(Object o)
protected  ReasoningStepIterator InconsistencyRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input, List subSteps, List varStack)
 BlendingRuleAction RuleFactory.createRuleAction(Literal ruleLit, Literal assertionLit, ReasoningStep ruleStep, List triggers)
          The method that actually creates a reasoner and returns it.
 ReasoningStepIterator InconsistencyActionCreator.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator EquivalenceEnforcer.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator RuleClauseAndTriggerInstaller.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator NewRuleConsequences.process(Object o)
 void Context.addRule(Clause ruleClause, String ruleName)
          adds a new rule to the system.
protected  void Context.createContentHolders()
          creates holders for content - FrameKB, BackwardChainingStorage and RuleInstantiator.
protected  void Context.createEmptyContentHolders()
protected abstract  ReasoningStepIterator BlendingRuleAction.prepareResult(ReasoningStep input, List subSteps, List varStack)
 ReasoningStepIterator BlendingRuleAction.process(Object o)
protected static void ActionCreationReasoningStep.validateClause(Clause cl)

Constructors in jtp.frame.fc that throw ReasoningException
ActionCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID)
ActionCreationReasoningStep(Clause cl, String ruleID, List subProofSteps)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.frame.listen

Methods in jtp.frame.listen that throw ReasoningException
 void Context.loadSpecs(URL spec)
 void Context.loadSpecs(URL spec, URL publicLocation)
protected  void Context.addListener(String name, Clause ruleClause, Collection ignore, URL publicLocation)
protected  void Context.addLink(Literal tgt, Literal src)
 void Context.addRule(Clause ruleClause, String ruleName)
          Adds a new forward-chaining rule to the system.
protected  void Context.addRule(Literal[] antecedents, Literal consequent, String ruleName)
          Adds a new forward-chaining rule to the system.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.func

Methods in jtp.func that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator Unprovable.process(Object gobj)
 ReasoningStepIterator GetSetof.process(Object sobj)
abstract  boolean EvaluableFunctionReasoner.evaluate(Object[] args, Object result, List varStack, boolean isNegated)
 ReasoningStepIterator EvaluableFunctionReasoner.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.gmp

Methods in jtp.gmp that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStep ModusPonensRecycler.next()
 ReasoningStepIterator ClauseOrientationKB.process(Object o)
          Adds ClauseOrientations to knowledge store corresponding to all contrapositives of Clause that is the goal of o.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.modelim

Methods in jtp.modelim that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator ModelEliminationReasoner.process(Object goal)
 ReasoningStep ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector.next()
protected  void ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector.notifyOfExhaustion(Object goal, int exDepth)
protected  void ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector.notifyOfIntermediateResult(jtp.modelim.Ring r)
protected  void ModelEliminationReasoner.ProofCollector.notifyOfIntermediateResult(ReasoningStep rs)
 ReasoningStepIterator BreadthFirstForwardReasoner.process(Object o)
          Processes an assertion and its derived consequences.
 ReasoningStepIterator AskingQueryProcessor.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.proof.transform

Methods in jtp.proof.transform that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator ProofTransformingReasonerProxy.process(Object goal)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.rs

Methods in jtp.rs that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator TranslatingProxyReasoner.process(Object o)
static String RSUtils.printReasoningStepIterator(ReasoningStepIterator rsi, String prefix)
          Creates a String representation of a ReasoningStepIterator.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.time

Methods in jtp.time that throw ReasoningException
 ReasoningStepIterator TimePointKnowledgeStore.AskingReasoner.process(Object o)
 ReasoningStepIterator TimePointKnowledgeStore.TellingReasoner.process(Object o)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.time.demod

Methods in jtp.time.demod that throw ReasoningException
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(CNFSentence sent)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(CNFSentence sent, boolean mapSymbols)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Clause cl)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Clause cl, boolean mapSymbols)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Literal lit)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(Literal lit, boolean mapSymbols)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(List lst)
 void TimePointMapper.mapTimePoints(List lst, boolean mapSymbols)
 TimePoint TimePointMapper.mapTimePoint(Object obj)
 TimePoint TimePointMapper.mapTimePoint(Object obj, boolean mapSymbols)
 TimePoint TimePointMapper.getMetricPoint(List datespec)
protected  void TimePointMapper.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
 TimePoint TimePointMapper.getTimeIntervalFnPoint(List tpspec)
          If funtion element is of the form (starting-point (time-interval-fn A B)), then replace the expression with A.

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.time.func

Methods in jtp.time.func that throw ReasoningException
protected  Object PlusTimePoint.calculate(Object[] args)
protected  void PlusTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
protected abstract  Object TimePointFunctionReasoner.calculate(Object[] args)
 boolean TimePointFunctionReasoner.evaluate(Object[] args, Object result, List varStack, boolean isNegated)
protected  Object FirstTimePoint.calculate(Object[] args)
protected  void FirstTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.time.tlgraph

Methods in jtp.time.tlgraph that throw ReasoningException
 void TLGraph.update(TimePoint tp1, byte relation, TimePoint tp2)
 void TLGraph.update(TimePoint tp1, byte relation, TimePoint tp2, ReasoningStep rs)

Uses of ReasoningException in jtp.ui

Methods in jtp.ui that throw ReasoningException
 void RDFQueryAnswerer.CheckpointLoadKB.execute()

Constructors in jtp.ui that throw ReasoningException
OWLQueryAnswerer(OWLReasoningContext rrc)
OWLQueryAnswerer(Reader rdr, Writer wtr)
OWLQueryAnswerer(OWLReasoningContext ctx, Reader rdr, Writer wtr)
RDFQueryAnswerer(RDFReasoningContext rrc)
RDFQueryAnswerer(Reader rdr, Writer wtr)
RDFQueryAnswerer(RDFReasoningContext ctx, Reader rdr, Writer wtr)
DamlQueryAnswerer(TemporalReasoningContext rrc)
DamlQueryAnswerer(Reader rdr, Writer wtr)
DamlQueryAnswerer(TemporalReasoningContext ctx, Reader rdr, Writer wtr)

JTP API Documentation