(in-package "ONTOLINGUA-USER")
"A theory that describes products made by National Semiconductor"
(in-theory (quote national-semiconductor-product-theory))
;;; lm380-audio-power-amplifier
(define-frame lm380-audio-power-amplifier
((documentation "The
LM380 is a power audio amplifier for consumer applications. In order to hold
system cost to a minimum, gain is internally fixed at 34 dB. A unique input
stage allows inputs to be ground referenced. The output is automatically self
centered to one half the supply voltage The output is short circuit proof
with internal thermal limiting. The package outline is standard dual-in-line.
A copper lead frame is used with the center three pins on either side
comprising a heat sink. This makes the device easy to use in standard p-c
layout. Uses include simple phonograph amplifiers, intercoms, line drivers,
teaching machine outputs, alarms, ultrasonic drivers, TV sound systems, AM-FM
radio, small servo drivers, power converters, etc. A selected part for more
power on higher supply voltages is available as the LM384. For more
information, see AN-69. Features <UL>
<LI>Wide supply voltage
range </LI>
<LI>Low quiescent power drain</LI>
<LI>Voltage gain fixed at
50 </LI>
<LI>High peak current capability </LI>
<LI>Input referenced to
<LI>High input impedance </LI>
<LI>Low distortion</LI>
<LI>Quiescent output voltage is at one-half of the supply voltage</LI>
<LI>Standard dual in-line package</LI></UL>")
(instance-of audio-amplifier)
(available-packages 14-pin-dip 8-pin-dip)
(maximum-input-voltage :value (* 0.5 volt))
(maximum-junction-temperature :value (* 150 degree-celcius))
(maximum-lead-temperature :value (* 260 degree-celcius))
(maximum-operating-temperature :value (* 70 degree-celcius))
(maximum-package-dissipation-14-pin-dip :value (* 8.3 watt))
(maximum-package-dissipation-8-pin-dip :value (* 1.67 watt))
(maximum-peak-current :value (* 1.3 ampere))
(maximum-quiescent-output-voltage :value (* 10 volt))
(maximum-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 25 milli-amp))
(maximum-storage-temperature :value (* 150 degree-celcius))
(maximum-supply-voltage :value (* 22 volt))
(minimum-operating-temperature :value (* 0 degree-celcius))
(minimum-output-power :value (* 2.5 watt))
(minimum-quiescent-output-voltage :value (* 8 volt))
(minimum-storage-temperature :value (* -65 degree-celcius))
(minimum-supply-voltage :value (* 10 volt))
(typical-bandwidth :value (* 100 kilo-hertz))
(typical-bias-current :value (* 100 nano-ampere))
(typical-input-resistance :value (* 150000 ohm))
(typical-quiescent-output-voltage :value (* 9.0 volt))
(typical-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 7 milli-amp))
(typical-short-circuit-current :value (* 1.3 ampere))
(typical-total-harmonic-distortion 0.002))
(lognot (bridgeable? lm380-audio-power-amplifier)))
;;; general-purpose-operational-amplifier
(define-class general-purpose-operational-amplifier
"National-Semiconductor's grouping for general purpose
operational amplifiers."
(and (operational-amplifier ?x)))
;;; low-power-operational-amplifier
(define-class low-power-operational-amplifier
"National Semiconductor's grouping for operational
amplifiers that operate at low power. We should
probably be more precise about what \"low power\" means."
(and (operational-amplifier ?x)))
;;; high-speed-operational-amplifier
(define-class high-speed-operational-amplifier
"National Semiconductor's grouping for operational
amplifiers that operate at high speed. We should
probably be moew precise about what \"high speed\" means."
(and (operational-amplifier ?x)))
;;; available-packages
(define-frame available-packages
((documentation "The packages that this type of semiconductor is available in.")
(instance-of relation) (arity 2) (domain semiconductor)
(inverse devices-with-this-package) (range package-type))
((=> (logand (available-packages ?x ?y) (subclass-of ?y ?z))
(available-packages ?x ?z))))
;;; devices-with-this-package
(define-frame devices-with-this-package
((documentation "The devices that are packaged in this type of package. ")
(instance-of relation) (arity 2) (domain package-type)
(inverse available-packages) (range semiconductor)))
;;; package-type
(define-frame package-type
((documentation "A type of package that semiconductors can be packaged in.")
(instance-of class) (subclass-of class individual thing)))
;;; package
(define-frame package
((documentation "A generic semiconductor package. You'll probably want to use some subclass of this class.")
(instance-of package-type) (subclass-of tangible-product)))
;;; dual-package
(define-frame dual-package
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of package-type)
(subclass-of package)))
;;; 14-pin-dip
(define-frame 14-pin-dip
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of package-type)
(subclass-of dual-package)))
;;; 8-pin-dip
(define-frame 8-pin-dip
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of package-type)
(subclass-of dual-package)))
;;; bridgeable?
(define-class bridgeable? (?x) "Not supplied yet." :def (and (thing ?x)))
;;; minimum-supply-voltage
(define-frame minimum-supply-voltage
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range voltage)))
;;; typical-total-harmonic-distortion
"The typical total harmonic distortion of this device. Measured as a decimal fraction rather than a percentage."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (real-number ?value)))
;;; typical-input-resistance
"The typical input resistance of this device."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (resistance ?value)))
;;; maximum-package-dissipation-14-pin-dip
(define-frame maximum-package-dissipation-14-pin-dip
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range power))
((=> (maximum-package-dissipation-14-pin-dip ?x ?y)
(available-packages ?x 14-pin-dip))))
;;; maximum-package-dissipation-8-pin-dip
(define-frame maximum-package-dissipation-8-pin-dip
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range power))
((=> (maximum-package-dissipation-8-pin-dip ?x ?y)
(available-packages ?x 8-pin-dip))))
;;; minimum-output-power
(define-frame minimum-output-power
((documentation "The mimimum power that this device outputs.")
(instance-of function) (arity 2) (domain device)
(range power)))
;;; maximum-input-voltage
(define-frame maximum-input-voltage
((documentation "The input voltage beyond which the device will cease to function properly.")
(instance-of function) (arity 2) (domain semiconductor)
(range voltage)))
;;; maximum-supply-voltage
"The input voltage beyond which a device ceases to work
properly. Exceeding the voltage may damage the device."
(and (or (semiconductor ?frame)) (or (voltage ?value))))
;;; maximum-peak-current
"The maximum peak current beyond which the device ceases to function properly."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (current-dimension ?value)))
;;; maximum-operating-temperature
(define-frame maximum-operating-temperature
((documentation "The maximum ambient temperature at which one should operate this device.")
(instance-of function) (arity 2) (domain device)
(range temperature)))
;;; maximum-junction-temperature
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (temperature ?value)))
;;; maximum-lead-temperature
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (temperature ?value)))
;;; minimum-operating-temperature
(define-frame minimum-operating-temperature
((documentation "The minimum ambient temperature at which one should operate this device.")
(instance-of function) (arity 2) (domain device)
(range temperature)))
;;; typical-quiescent-output-voltage
(define-frame typical-quiescent-output-voltage
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range voltage)))
;;; maximum-quiescent-output-voltage
(define-frame maximum-quiescent-output-voltage
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range voltage)))
;;; minimum-quiescent-output-voltage
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage ?value)))
;;; maximum-quiescent-supply-current
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (current ?value)))
;;; typical-quiescent-supply-current
(define-frame typical-quiescent-supply-current
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range current)))
;;; typical-bandwidth
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (frequency-quantity ?value)))
;;; audio-amplifier
(define-class audio-amplifier
"An analog circuit used to amplify an audio signal. This
is not the kind of amplifier that's part of a stereo
(and (amplifier ?x)))
;;; operational-amplifier
(define-class operational-amplifier
"Not supplied yet."
(and (amplifier ?x)))
;;; amplifier
(define-class amplifier
"An analog circuit that amplifies a signal."
(and (analog-circuit ?x)))
;;; analog-circuit
(define-class analog-circuit
"Not supplied yet."
(and (integrated-circuit ?x)))
;;; integrated-circuit
(define-class integrated-circuit
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?x)))
;;; semiconductor
(define-class semiconductor
"A material that has variable conducting properties under
different conditions. All micro-circuitry is etched on
a semiconducting material (usually silicon)."
(and (electronic-device ?x)))
;;; typical-short-circuit-current
"The current that will typically short circuit this device."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (current ?value)))
;;; typical-bias-current
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (current ?value)))
;;; maximum-peak-supply-voltage
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage ?value)))
;;; single-package
(define-frame single-package
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of package-type)
(subclass-of package)))
;;; 5-pin-to-220
(define-class 5-pin-to-220
"Not supplied yet."
(and (single-package ?x)))
;;; maximum-operating-supply-voltage
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage-quantity ?value)))
;;; maximum-output-current-repetitive
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0)
(electrical-current-quantity ?value)))
;;; maximum-output-current-non-repetitive
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0)
(electrical-current-quantity ?value)))
;;; maximum-power-dissipation
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (power-quantity ?value)))
;;; minimum-dc-output-level
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage-quantity ?value)))
;;; typical-dc-output-level
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage-quantity ?value)))
;;; maximum-dc-output-level
"Not supplied yet."
(and (semiconductor ?semiconductor-0) (voltage-quantity ?value)))
;;; typical-input-noise-voltage
(define-frame typical-input-noise-voltage
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range voltage-quantity)))
;;; typical-input-noise-current
(define-frame typical-input-noise-current
((documentation "Not supplied yet.") (instance-of function)
(arity 2) (domain semiconductor) (range current)))
;;; lm383-7-watt-audio-power-amplifier
(define-frame lm383-7-watt-audio-power-amplifier
((documentation "The LM383(A) is a cost effective, high power amplifier suited for automotive applications. High current capability (3.5 A) enables the device to drive low impedance loads with low distortion. The LM383 is current limited and thermally protected. The LM383A includes high voltage protection, which enables the amplifier to withstand 40V transients on its supply. The LM383 comes in a 5-pin TO-220 package.
Features <UL>
<LI>High peak current capability (3.5 A) </LI>
<LI>Large output voltage swing</LI>
<LI>Externally programmable gain </LI>
<LI>Wide supply voltage range (5V-20V) </LI>
<LI>Few external prts required </LI>
<LI>Low ditortion </LI>
<LI>High input impedance </LI>
<LI>No turn-on transients </LI>
<LI>High voltage protection available in LM383A </LI>
<LI>Low noise</LI>
<LI>AC short circuit protected</LI></UL>")
(instance-of audio-amplifier)
(available-packages 5-pin-to-220)
(maximum-dc-output-level :value (* 8 volt))
(maximum-input-voltage :value (* 0.5 volt))
(maximum-lead-temperature :value (* 260 degree-celcius))
(maximum-operating-supply-voltage :value (* 20 volt))
(maximum-operating-temperature :value (* 70 degree-celcius))
(maximum-output-current-non-repetitive :value (* 4.5 ampere))
(maximum-output-current-repetitive :value (* 3.5 ampere))
(maximum-peak-supply-voltage :value (* 25 volt))
(maximum-power-dissipation :value (* 15 watt))
(maximum-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 80 milli-amp))
(maximum-storage-temperature :value (* 150 degree-celcius))
(maximum-supply-voltage :value (* 20 volt))
(minimum-dc-output-level :value (* 6.4 volt))
(minimum-operating-temperature :value (* 0 degree-celcius))
(minimum-storage-temperature :value (* -60 degree-celcius))
(minimum-supply-voltage :value (* 5 volt))
(typical-bandwidth :value (* 30 kilo-hertz)
(typical-dc-output-level :value (* 7.2 volt))
(typical-input-noise-current :value (* 40 pico-ampere))
(typical-input-noise-voltage :value (* 20 micro-volt))
(typical-input-resistance :value (* 150000 ohm))
(typical-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 45 milli-amp))
(typical-total-harmonic-distortion 0.002)))
;;; lm383a-7-watt-audio-amplifier
(define-frame lm383a-7-watt-audio-amplifier
((documentation "The LM383(A) is a cost effective, high power amplifier suited for automotive applications. High current capability (3.5 A) enables the device to drive low impedance loads with low distortion. The LM383 is current limited and thermally protected. The LM383A includes high voltage protection, which enables the amplifier to withstand 40V transients on its supply. The LM383 comes in a 5-pin TO-220 package.
Features <UL>
<LI>High peak current capability (3.5 A) </LI>
<LI>Large output voltage swing</LI>
<LI>Externally programmable gain </LI>
<LI>Wide supply voltage range (5V-20V) </LI>
<LI>Few external prts required </LI>
<LI>Low ditortion </LI>
<LI>High input impedance </LI>
<LI>No turn-on transients </LI>
<LI>High voltage protection available in LM383A </LI>
<LI>Low noise</LI>
<LI>AC short circuit protected</LI></UL>")
(instance-of audio-amplifier)
(available-packages 5-pin-to-220)
(maximum-dc-output-level :value (* 8 volt))
(maximum-input-voltage :value (* 0.5 volt))
(maximum-lead-temperature :value (* 260 degree-celcius))
(maximum-operating-supply-voltage :value (* 20 volt))
(maximum-operating-temperature :value (* 70 degree-celcius))
(maximum-output-current-non-repetitive :value (* 4.5 ampere))
(maximum-output-current-repetitive :value (* 3.5 ampere))
(maximum-peak-supply-voltage :value (* 40 volt))
(maximum-power-dissipation :value (* 15 watt))
(maximum-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 80 milli-amp))
(maximum-storage-temperature :value (* 150 degree-celcius))
(maximum-supply-voltage :value (* 20 volt))
(minimum-dc-output-level :value (* 6.4 volt))
(minimum-operating-temperature :value (* 0 degree-celcius))
(minimum-storage-temperature :value (* -60 degree-celcius))
(minimum-supply-voltage :value (* 5 volt))
(typical-bandwidth :value (* 30 kilo-hertz))
(typical-dc-output-level :value (* 7.2 volt))
(typical-input-noise-current :value (* 40 pico-ampere))
(typical-input-noise-voltage :value (* 20 micro-volt))
(typical-input-resistance :value (* 150000 ohm))
(typical-quiescent-supply-current :value (* 45 milli-amp))
(typical-total-harmonic-distortion 0.002)))
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