;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:Common-Lisp; Package:ONTOLINGUA-USER; Base:10 -*-

;;; If you load this file (with translation into the "KIF" implementation
;;; -- the default ), then the definitions are saved on property lists
;;; and can be used for online documentation and in cross-reference reports.

(in-package "ONTOLINGUA-USER")   ;inherits from the KIF package
                                 ;all constants defined here are exported
                                 ;from the KIF package.

(define-theory KIF-SETS ()
  "The KIF vocabulary for set theory as defined in the KIF 3.0
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(in-theory 'kif-sets)

(define-relation SET (?x)
  "A set is a collection of objects, both individuals and sets of
various sorts.  It is a KIF primitive."
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation INDIVIDUAL (?x)
  "An individual is something that is not a set."

  :iff-def (not (set ?x))  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation BOUNDED (?x)
  "Something is bounded if it can be a member of a set.
This is a KIF primitive."
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation UNBOUNDED (?x)
  "Something in the universe of discourse that can't be a member of a set.
Paradoxical beasts go here."
  :iff-def (not (bounded ?x))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")
	   "It would seem that the extension of this relation is empty,
            since there can exist no set containing any unbounded things."))

(define-class SIMPLE-SET (?x)
  "A simple set is a set that can be a member of another set."
  :iff-def (and (set ?x)
		(bounded ?x))
  :constraints (thing ?x)
  :issues ("The constraint that simple-set is a subclass-of thing
            is specified as part of the definition of THING, but
            it needs to be here, too, for bootstrapping reasons."
	   (:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-class PROPER-SET (?x)
  "A proper set is a set that cannot be a member of another set."
  :def (set ?x)
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation MEMBER (?element ?set)
  "The sentence {\tt (member $\tau_1$ $\tau_2$)} is true if and only if the
object denoted by $\tau_1$ is contained in the set denoted by $\tau_2$. 
As mentioned above, an object can be a member of another object if and only
if the former is bounded and the latter is a set."
  :def (and (bounded ?element)
            (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function SETOF (@members) :-> ?set
  "SETOF is the set constructor function for KIF. It takes any finite
number of arguments and denotes the set of those things."
  :def (simple-set ?set)
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

  "Two sets are identical if  and only if they have the same members."
  := (=> (and (set ?s1) (set ?s2))
         (<=> (forall (?x) (<=> (member ?x ?s1) (member ?x ?s2)))
              (= ?s1 ?s2)))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation EMPTY (?x)
  "True of the empty set."
  :iff-def (= ?x (setof))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function UNION (@sets) :-> ?set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x
                  (exists ?s
                          (and (item ?s (listof @sets))
                               (member ?x ?s))))
  :def (and (=> (item ?s (listof @sets))
                (set ?s))
            (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function INTERSECTION (@sets) :-> ?set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x
                  (exists ?s
                          (=> (item ?s (listof @sets))
                              (member ?x ?s))))
  :def (and (=> (item ?s (listof @sets))
                (set ?s))
            (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function DIFFERENCE (?set @sets) :-> ?diff-set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x
                  (and (member ?x ?set)
                       (forall ?s
                          (=> (item ?s (listof @sets))
                          (not (member ?x ?s))))))    
  :def (and (=> (item ?s (listof @sets))
                (set ?s))
            (set ?set)
            (set ?diff-set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function COMPLEMENT (?s) :-> ?set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x (not (member ?x ?s)))
  :def (and (set ?s) (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function GENERALIZED-UNION (?set-of-sets) :-> ?set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x
                 (exists (?s)
                    (and (member ?s ?set-of-sets) (member ?x ?s))))
  :def (and (set ?set-of-sets)
            (forall (?s) (=> (member ?s ?set-of-sets) (simple-set ?s)))
            (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-function GENERALIZED-INTERSECTION (?set-of-sets) :-> ?set
  :lambda-body (setofall ?x
                 (exists (?s)
                    (=> (member ?s ?set-of-sets)
                        (member ?x ?s))))
  :def (and (set ?set-of-sets)
            (forall (?s) (=> (member ?s ?set-of-sets) (simple-set ?s)))
            (set ?set))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation SUBSET (?s1 ?s2)
  "The sentence {\tt (subset $\tau_1$ $\tau_2$)} is true if
and only if $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ are sets and the objects in the set
denoted by $\tau_1$ are contained in the set denoted by $\tau_2$."

  :iff-def (and (set ?s1) (set ?s2)
                (forall ?x (=> (member ?x ?s1) (member ?x ?s2))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation PROPER-SUBSET (?s1 ?s2)
  "The sentence {\tt (proper-subset $\tau_1$ $\tau_2$)} is true if
the set denoted by $\tau_1$ is a subset of the set denoted by $\tau_2$
but not vice-versa."

  :iff-def (and (subset ?s1 ?s2)
                (not (subset ?s2 ?s1)))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation DISJOINT (?s1 ?s2)
  "Two sets are disjoint if and only if there is no object that is a
member of both sets."
  :iff-def (empty (intersection ?s1 ?s2))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation PAIRWISE-DISJOINT (@sets)
  "Sets are pairwise-disjoint if and only if every
set is disjoint from every other set."
  :iff-def (forall (?s1 ?s2)
             (=> (item ?s1 (listof @sets))
                 (item ?s2 (listof @sets))
                 (or (= ?s1 ?s2) (disjoint ?s1 ?s2))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation MUTUALLY-DISJOINT (@sets)
  "Sets are mutually-disjoint if and only if there is no object that
is a member of all of the sets."
  :iff-def (empty (intersection @sets))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation SET-PARTITION (?s @sets)
  :iff-def (and (= ?s (union @sets))
                (pairwise-disjoint @sets))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation SET-COVER (?s @sets)
 :iff-def (subset ?s (union @sets))
 :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

  "every non-empty set has an element with which it has no members in
  := (forall (?s)
       (=> (not (empty ?s))
           (exists (?u) (and (member ?u ?s) (disjoint ?u ?s)))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-axiom AXIOM-OF-CHOICE
  "There is a set that associates every bounded set with a
distinguished element of that set.  In effect, it {\it chooses} an
element from every bounded set."
  := (exists (?s)
       (and (set ?s)
            (forall (?x) (=> (member ?x ?s) (double ?x)))
            (forall (?x ?y ?z) (=> (and (member (listof ?x ?y) ?s)
                                        (member (listof ?x ?z) ?s))
                                   (= ?y ?z)))
            (forall (?u)
                    (=> (and (bounded ?u) (not (empty ?u)))
                        (exists (?v) (and (member ?v ?u)
                                          (member (listof ?u ?v) ?s)))))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-axiom FINITE-SET-AXIOM
  "Any finite set of bounded sets is itself a bounded set."
  := (=> (finite-set ?s) (bounded ?s))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-axiom SUBSET-AXIOM
  "The set of all of subsets of a bounded set is also a bounded set."
  := (=> (bounded ?v) (bounded (setofall ?u (subset ?u ?v))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-axiom UNION-AXIOM
  := (=> (and (bounded ?u) (forall (?x) (=> (member ?x ?u) (bounded ?x))))
         (bounded (generalized-union ?u)))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

  "The intersection of a bounded set and any other set is a bounded
set.  So long as one of the sets defining the intersection is bounded,
the resulting set is bounded."
  := (=> (and (bounded ?u) (set ?s))
         (bounded (intersection ?u ?s)))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-axiom AXIOM-OF-INFINITY
  "There is a bounded set containing a set, a set that properly
contains that set, a third set that properly contains the second set,
and so forth.  In short, there is at least one bounded set of infinite
  := (exists (?u)
       (and (bounded ?u)
            (not (empty ?u))
            (forall (?x)
               (=> (member ?x ?u)
                   (exists (?y) (and (member ?y ?u)
                                     (proper-subset ?x ?y)))))))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")))

(define-relation = (?x ?y)
  "= is the equality relation for KIF.  It is defined as an operator,
but is in practice like every other relation.  Two things are = to
each other if they are exactly the same thing.  How these two things
are denoted in some theory is an entirely different issue.
  = is an operator in KIF."
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")
	   "Equality is built in to KIF; = and /= are operators.
            However, it helps to have them be proper relations in the ontology.
            For instance, other relations may be subsumed by them in a taxonomy."
	   (:see-also /=)
	   "We put the equality relations in the SET ontology, because it is
	    the most primitive ontology in KIF and equality is intrinsic to
	    the definition of set membership."))

(define-relation /= (?x ?y)
  "/= means not equal. It is a KIF operator."

  :iff-def (not (= ?x ?y))
  :issues ((:source "KIF Version 3.0 Specification")
	   (:see-also =)))

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