Re: August meeting of ANSI ad hoc group on ontology

Anthony K. Sarris (
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 13:31:01 -0700

At 1:27 PM 6/10/96, spillers@VNET.IBM.COM wrote:

>I suggest meeting in California (Santa Teresa or
>Stanford) on either Tue and Wed (8/13, 8/14) or Wed and Thur (8/14, 8/15)

>Bob Spillers


Have you set the official date for the above meeting yet? Also, I am trying
to find out for sure from Bob Fulton whether Boeing can host the Sept.
16-18 X3T2 meeting, or whether we'll need to take you or John Sharp up on
alternate locations. Does your offer still stand (use of the room really,
and some limited copying, is all that's required -- we could make
individual arrangements as before with the area hotels you notified us of)?


Tony Sarris "I Got 2 Weeks Behind in Reading "Communications Week", and Missed a Whole Generation of Technology."
Ontek Corporation
22941 Mill Creek Drive Voice: +1.714.768.0301
Laguna Hills, CA, USA 92653 Fax: +1.714.768.0851