JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use CalendarTimePoint

Uses of CalendarTimePoint in jtp.time.demod

Methods in jtp.time.demod with parameters of type CalendarTimePoint
protected  void TimePointMapper.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
protected  void TimePointMapper.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)

Uses of CalendarTimePoint in jtp.time.func

Methods in jtp.time.func with parameters of type CalendarTimePoint
protected  void PlusTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
protected  void PlusTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
protected  void FirstTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)
protected  void FirstTimePoint.addMetricPointToGraph(CalendarTimePoint ctp, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAfter)

Uses of CalendarTimePoint in jtp.time.tlgraph

Methods in jtp.time.tlgraph that return CalendarTimePoint
 CalendarTimePoint TLGraph.getMaximumBeforeOrEqualLocation(TimePoint tp)
          Finds the CalendarTimePoint which occurs just before or at the same time as tp.
 CalendarTimePoint TLGraph.getMinimumAfterOrEqualLocation(TimePoint tp)
          Finds the CalendarTimePoint which occurs just after or at the same time as tp.

Uses of CalendarTimePoint in jtp.time.tp

Methods in jtp.time.tp that return CalendarTimePoint
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(Calendar c, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int ms, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int ms, TimeZone timezone, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(long millis, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
protected  CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getCalendarTimePointBefore()
          Returns the CalendarTimePoint in the point tree which is immediately before this one.
protected  CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getCalendarTimePointAfter()
          Returns the CalendarTimePoint in the point tree which is immediately after this one.

Methods in jtp.time.tp with parameters of type CalendarTimePoint
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(Calendar c, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int ms, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(int year, int month, int date, int hour, int minute, int second, int ms, TimeZone timezone, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
static CalendarTimePoint CalendarTimePoint.getInstance(long millis, CalendarTimePoint[] beforeAndAfter)
          Returns an instance of CalendarTimePoint which has been properly situated in the point tree.
protected  boolean CalendarTimePoint.equalGranularity(CalendarTimePoint tp)
          Returns true if tp is specified at the same level of granularity as this.

JTP API Documentation