JTP API Documentation

Uses of Class

Packages that use Inference
jtp Provides the basic, most general classes of the JTP architecture. 
jtp.proof Classes supporting JTP's implementation of InferenceWeb proofs

Uses of Inference in jtp

Methods in jtp that return Inference
 Inference ReasoningStep.getInference()
          Returns instance of AxiomInference if subproofs list is empty.

Uses of Inference in jtp.proof

Subclasses of Inference in jtp.proof
 class AndIntroductionInference
 class AxiomInference
 class ModusPonensInference
 class UIInference

Fields in jtp.proof declared as Inference
protected  Inference Proof.inference

Methods in jtp.proof that return Inference
 Inference Proof.getInference()
          The type of inference that this proof represents.

Constructors in jtp.proof with parameters of type Inference
Proof(Object goal, List sps, Inference i, Map bindings)

JTP API Documentation