JTP API Documentation

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FirstOrderLogicParser
jtp.context Provides a basic configuration and interface for JTP. 

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.context

Methods in jtp.context that return FirstOrderLogicParser
 FirstOrderLogicParser BasicReasoningContext.getParser()
          Returns parser used to parse String and URL arguments to BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String), BasicReasoningContext.tellString(String, URL), BasicReasoningContext.loadKB(URL, URL), BasicReasoningContext.loadKB(URL), BasicReasoningContext.getStringAssertionResults(String), and BasicReasoningContext.ask(String).

Methods in jtp.context with parameters of type FirstOrderLogicParser
 void BasicReasoningContext.setParser(FirstOrderLogicParser v)
          Sets parser returned by BasicReasoningContext.getParser().

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.context.rdf

Methods in jtp.context.rdf with parameters of type FirstOrderLogicParser
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, FirstOrderLogicParser parser)
          Stores the triples represented in the string as well as forward-chained information.
 int RDFReasoningContext.tellString(String assertion, URL location, FirstOrderLogicParser parser)
          Stores the assertion as well as its forward-chained information.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url, URL publicLocation, FirstOrderLogicParser p)
          Loads KBs with the specified parser.
 void RDFReasoningContext.loadKB(URL url, FirstOrderLogicParser p)
          Loads KBs with the specified parser.

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.fol.daml

Classes in jtp.fol.daml that implement FirstOrderLogicParser
 class DAMLParser
          Deprecated. Use RDFParser instead.

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.fol.kif

Classes in jtp.fol.kif that implement FirstOrderLogicParser
 class KIF2CNF
          KIF2CNF.java Created: Mon Jun 26 05:49:35 2000

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.fol.parser

Methods in jtp.fol.parser that return FirstOrderLogicParser
 FirstOrderLogicParser ParserBasedTranslator.getParser()
          Get the value of parser.

Methods in jtp.fol.parser with parameters of type FirstOrderLogicParser
 void ParserBasedTranslator.setParser(FirstOrderLogicParser v)
          Set the value of parser.

Constructors in jtp.fol.parser with parameters of type FirstOrderLogicParser
ParserBasedTranslator(FirstOrderLogicParser parser)

Uses of FirstOrderLogicParser in jtp.fol.rdf

Classes in jtp.fol.rdf that implement FirstOrderLogicParser
 class jtp.fol.rdf.RDFParser

JTP API Documentation