Slots on this instance:
- Documentation:
A FUNCTION-QUANTITY is a function that maps from one or more
constant-quantities to a constant-quantity. The function must have a
fixed arity of at least 1. All elements of the range (ie, values of the
function) have the same physical-dimension, which is the dimension of
the function-quantity itself.
Equivalence Axioms:
(<=> (Function-Quantity ?F)
(And (Physical-Quantity ?F) (Function ?F)))
(Function ?F)
(Physical-Quantity ?F)
(Issues Nil
(Subclass-Of Function-Quantity Physical-Quantity)
(Subclass-Of Function-Quantity Function)
(Class Function-Quantity))
Other Related Axioms:
(Exhaustive-Subclass-Partition Physical-Quantity
(Setof Constant-Quantity
(Instance-Of (Function-Quantity ?X) Not)
(Not (Function-Quantity ?X))
(<=> (Constant-Quantity ?X)
(And (Physical-Quantity ?X) (Not (Function-Quantity ?X))))
(<=> (Function-Quantity ?F)
(And (Physical-Quantity ?F) (Function ?F)))