Slots on this class:
- Documentation:
A constraint is a SATISFIED-CONSTRAINT if its constraint.expression
is a true sentence. The sentence may contain no variables; that is,
the constraint must be a parametric-constraint.
- Instance-Of: Class
- Subclass-Of: Parametric-constraint
Slots on instances of this class:
- Constraint.Expression:
- Slot-Cardinality: 1
- Slot-Value-Type: Truth, Constraint-expression, Ground-sentence
Equivalence Axioms:
(<=> (Satisfied-Constraint ?Constraint)
(And (Parametric-Constraint ?Constraint)
(Value-Type ?Constraint Constraint.Expression Truth)
(Value-Cardinality ?Constraint Constraint.Expression 1)))
(Parametric-Constraint ?Constraint)
Other Related Axioms:
(<=> (Satisfied-Constraint ?Constraint)
(And (Parametric-Constraint ?Constraint)
(Value-Type ?Constraint Constraint.Expression Truth)
(Value-Cardinality ?Constraint Constraint.Expression 1)))
- Whether a constraint is satisfied is not dependent
on any inference procedure or proof method. It does
not mean provable or derived. A parametric-constraint
is satisfied iff it is true.
- Satisfied-constraint is not the same as predicates
that are used to establish the truth of a sentence
relative to a theory or context.