[Tentative T2 Meeting Date and Location]

Bob Engelmore (rse@hpp.stanford.edu)
Thu, 11 Sep 1997 15:20:54 -0700

To: asarris@ontek.com, x3t2mf@ptd.net, baos@oss.com, FBILLINGSL@aol.com,
olken@lbl.gov, genesereth@cs.stanford.edu,
spillers@vnet.ibm.com, dgh@validgh.com, sowa@west.poly.edu,
gregory.tarsy@eng.sun.com, ramshaw@pa.dec.com,
msastry@sastry.com, bargmeyer.bruce@epamail.epa.gov,
edbark@cme.nist.gov, roger@90.deere.com, skperez@mcimail.com,
bhacker@nara.gov, loomis@hpl.hp.com, macgregor@isi.edu,
msingh@bcr.cc.bellcore.com, kashyap@cs.uga.edu,
edgreen@afterlife.ncsc.mil, wcb@fcom.com, nell@cme.nist.gov,
jerrywnklr@aol.com, whkjr@digex.net, brodie@gte.com,
lee@textwise.com, carl_mattocks@pcmailgw.ml.com,
jdc@kodak.com, fikes@hpp.stanford.edu, morgenstern@dri.cornell.edu,
vishal@ibrain.com, mannd@battelle.org,
rosentha@doim6.monmouth.army.mil, masuoka@flab.fujitsu.co.jp,
schoenin@doim6.monmouth.army.mil, apease@teknowledge.com,
chris_partridge@compuserve.com, sharp@sharp-informatics.com,
fritz@cyc.com, thorpe@oss.com
From: "Anthony K. Sarris" <asarris@ontek.com>
Subject: Tentative T2 Meeting Date and Location
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 16:28:51 -0700

Dear Members and Observers of ANSI ASC NCITS.TC.T2 - Information
Interchange and Interpretation,

We have an offer to host the fall T2 meeting from Dr. Michael Genesereth of
Stanford. The meeting would be on-site at Stanford University in Palo Alto,
CA. The tentative dates are Nov. 5-6 (or possibly 6-7). It has been noted
that many of you will likely be in Boston/Cambridge, MA for the AAAI Fall
Symposium Nov. 1-3, and so the dates proposed allow for a travel day or
two. Alternatively, if anyone in the Boston area would like to host the
meeting, we could piggyback it to the symposium. I would like to get back
to Mike by the middle of next week regarding acceptance of his offer.
Please let me know if you have other suggestions or wish to offer to host.

In addition to final CSMF issues and planning for ontology standardization,
Mike and John Sowa are both intending to bring final drafts of the KIF and
CGs documents for progressing as dpANS.


Tony Sarris