In conjunction with
the 6th International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KR'98
Under the auspices of the Project
(Ontological Tools for Heterogeneous Knowledge Organization and Integration)
funded by the Italian National Research Council
Research on ontology is becoming increasingly widespread in the
computer science community. Its importance has been recognized in fields as
diverse as qualitative modelling of physical systems, natural language
processing, knowledge engineering, information integration, database
design, geographic information science, and intelligent information access.
Various workshops addressing the engineering aspects of ontology have been
held in the past few years. However, ontology -by its very nature- ought to
be a unifying discipline. Insights in this field have potential impacts on
the whole area of information systems. In order to provide a solid general
foundation for this work, it is therefore important to focus on the common
scientific principles and open problems arising from current tools,
methodologies, and applications of ontology. The purpose of this conference
is to take a first step in this direction.
As the heterogeneity of the program committee indicates, the
conference will have a strongly interdisciplinary character. Expected
participants include computer science practitioners as well as linguists,
logicians, and philosophers. Although the primary focus of the conference
is on theoretical issues, methodological proposals as well as papers
addressing concrete applications from a well-founded theoretical
perspective are welcome.
Examples of problem areas that may be addressed at the conference include:
* Foundations:
parthood, constitution, identity, integrity, dependence, causality
* Kinds of entity:
particulars vs. universals, continuants vs. occurrents, abstracta
vs. concreta,
attributes, relations, qualities, quantities, tropes or moments,
states, situations, environments
* Matter, space, time, motion, change
* Natural kinds, organisms, artifacts
* The ontology of social reality:
legal and administrative entities, artistic expressions
* The ontology of information and information processing:
representations, signs, software products, virtual reality,
* Top-level ontological taxonomies:
new proposals or critical analyses of existing ones
* Cognitive foundations of ontological distinctions
* Kinds of ontology:
top-level ontologies, domain ontologies, task ontologies,
application ontologies
* Ontological commitment
* Knowledge organization, integration and standardization
* Intelligent information access
* Information systems design
* Knowledge engineering
* Conceptual modelling
* Qualitative modelling
* Lexical semantics
* Terminology integration
* Product knowledge integration
* Geographic information systems
* Legal information systems
* Ontological and linguistic instruments for conceptual analysis
* Methodologies for ontology development, maintenance, and integration
Papers will be selected on the basis of a rigorous review of full paper
Authors should submit 5 copies to the Conference Chair by December 22, 1997.
Papers received after the deadline or not conforming to the submission
format will be rejected without review. The proceedings will be printed
by a major publisher and will be available at the conference. Final
camera-ready copies of the accepted papers will be due by March 9, 1998.
Authors will be responsible for preparing the final camera-ready in conformity
with the formatting requirements laid down by the publisher.
Submitted papers must be unpublished and substantially different from
papers under review. Papers that have been or will be presented at small
workshops/symposia whose proceedings are available only to attendees may
be submitted.
Each submission should include a title page containing the title, author(s),
affiliation(s), submitting author's mailing address, telephone number, fax
number and e-mail address, as well as an abstract and keywords indicating the
topic areas listed above that best describe the contribution. Submissions must
be at most 16 pages, excluding the title page and the bibliography, with a
maximum of 38 lines per page and an average of 75 characters per line
(corresponding to the LaTeX article-style, 12pt) using LaTeX or Microsoft
Word. Papers should be sent in 5 copies. Fax or electronic submissions will
not be accepted.
Those proposing to submit papers must complete the form at the WWW address
<> by Monday December 15, 1997.
If intending authors do not have WWW access, then an e-mail message must
be sent to by the same date, giving details of any proposed
submission in the following format:
Title: <Title of paper>
Author: <Last name, initials>
Author: <Insert as many more author lines as necessary>
CorrespondingAuthor: <name of corresponding author>
CorrespondingEmail: <email of corresponding author>
CorrespondingAddress: <address of corresponding author>
Keywords: <insert list of keywords, preferably chosen from above list>
Abstract: <insert short abstract, max 200 words>
EndAbstract: <mark the end of the short abstract thus>
Should intending authors not have e-mail access, the information above
should be sent by letter to arrive to the Conference Chair by Monday December
15, 1997.
Friday, December 12, 1997 Electronic abstracts due
Friday, December 19, 1997 Papers due
Friday, February 6, 1998 Results sent to authors
Monday, March 9, 1998 Final papers due
Saturday-Monday, June 6-8, 1998 FOIS'98
Nicola Guarino Alessandro Artale
National Research Council ITC-IRST
LADSEB-CNR Povo, I-38050 Trento, Italy
Corso Stati Uniti, 4 e-mail:
I-35127 Padova, Italy
PROGRAM COMMITTEE (preliminary list)
John Bateman
(Dept. of English Studies, Univ. of Stirling, UK)
B. Chandrasekaran
(Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Ohio State Univ., USA)
Tony Cohn
(Division of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Leeds, UK)
Ernest Davis
(Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences, New York, USA)
Richard Fikes
(Knowledge Systems Lab., Stanford University, USA)
Kit Fine
(Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Mark Fox
(Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
Nicola Guarino
(LADSEB-CNR, National Research Council, Padova, Italy)
Patrick J. Hayes
(Inst. for Human and Machine Cognition, Univ. of West Florida, USA)
Graeme Hirst
(Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto, Canada)
David Israel
(Artificial Intelligence Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, USA)
Fritz Lehmann
(CYCorp, Austin, Texas, USA)
Diego Marconi
(Dept. of Humanities, Univ. of Torino at Vercelli, Italy)
Richiro Mizoguchi
(Inst. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka Univ., Japan)
Kevin Mulligan
(Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland)
Sergei Nirenburg
(Computing Research Lab., New Mexico State Univ., USA)
Guus Schreiber
(Dept. of Social Science Informatics, Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Peter Simons
(School of Philosophy, Univ. of Leeds, UK and Ontek Corp., USA)
Doug Skuce
(Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Ottawa, Canada)
Barry Smith
(Dept. of Philosophy, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, USA)
John Sowa
(Philosophy and Computers and Cognitive Science, Binghamton Univ., USA)
Mike Uschold
(Boeing Corporation, Seattle, USA)
Reind Van De Riet
(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Univ., The Netherlands)
Achille Varzi
(Dept. of Philosophy, Columbia Univ., New York, USA)
Laure Vieu
(IRIT - CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Yair Wand
(Faculty of Commerce and Business Admin., Univ. of British Columbia, Canada)
Ron Weber
(The Univ. of Queensland, Australia)
Chris Welty
(Dept. of Computer Science, Vassar College, New York, USA)
Roel Wieringa
(Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije Univ., The Netherlands)
Alessandro Artale - Enrico Franconi (ITC-IRST, Trento, Italy)
Nicola Guarino - Claudio Masolo (LADSEB-CNR, Padova, Italy)
Luca Pazzi - Sonia Bergamaschi (Univ. of Modena, Italy)
Geri Steve - Aldo Gangemi (ITBM-CNR, Roma, Italy)
Cristiano Castelfranchi - Rino Falcone (IP-CNR, Roma, Italy)