What is the status of the projected Japanese participation in all this?
Lee Auspitz
On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, Eduard Hovy wrote:
> Dear Members and Observers of NCITS T2:
> At the Assoc for Computational Linguistics conference last week in Madrid
> (you thought NATO was the only thing happening there then? No indeed --
> Madrid is a very vibrant kind of place!) I attended a workshop on Ontologies,
> and described our plans wrt an Ontology Standard.
> This raised considerable interest. The most concrete was from the reviewer of
> the EAGLES and related efforts, an EC-funded multinational project to create
> the standards in which a future ontology can be placed. Groups in Sheffield,
> Pisa, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and more recently also in Germany and France have
> been funded to:
> - create WordNets of Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, German
> - create a specification of the structure and content of a standard ontology.
> I am in the process of exchanging letters of cooperation with this reviewer,
> Prof. Antonio Zampolli of the University of Pisa (a rather senior person in
> Computational Linguistics and Lexical Databases). He and the EC funding
> agent, Mr. Nino Cencioni of Brussels, will visit the NSF in October to
> discuss possible international collaboration and to try to drum up some
> funding to hold two workshops, one in Europe and one here, on these matters.
> With the blessing of the Ontology Group I will be happy to join their meeting
> and try to describe our goals and work. (I am also doing so at a meeting in
> Washington at NIST later this month.)
> Your comments appreciated.
> E
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eduard Hovy
> email: hovy@isi.edu USC Information Sciences Institute
> tel: 310-822-1511 ext 731 4676 Admiralty Way
> fax: 310-823-6714 Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
> project homepage: http://www.isi.edu/natural-language/nlp-at-isi.html