ANSI ad hoc group - meeting 9/16 & 9/17

Tue, 30 Jul 96 15:20:39 PDT

It appears that 9/16 & 9/17 (Mon & Tue) is a reasonably good time
for the next meeting of the ANSI ad hoc group on ontologies.
Bob Englemore has agreed to host the meeting at Stanford. More
information on building/room location, parking, etc. will be sent
with the formal meeting notice.

By the time of this meeting, the first version of a reference ontology
should be available on the Stanford KSL ontology server. Ed Hovy at ISI
is working on it - it should be finished shortly. This (the RO) is a
combination of CYC, Pangloss, WordNet and the top 100 concepts from EDR
that have been aligned with WordNet. The individual sources will be
aligned and merged into a single ontology with links to the original

It should be a very interesting meeting. Please send me any ideas
you have for discussion topics / agenda items.

For those who will be attending the X3T2 meeting, Tony intends to hold
meeting - also at Stanford.
