Re: ANSI ad hoc group - ontology

Eduard Hovy (hovy@ISI.EDU)
Mon, 22 Jul 1996 18:18:01 -0700

At 6:10 PM -0700 7/15/96, spillers@VNET.IBM.COM wrote:
>Holding the meeting of the ANSI ad hoc group during the week of
>August 12th is not convenient to several people. The next time
>slot that seems convenient is September 16th and 17th (Mon and Tue).
>If this time is agreeable, Tony Sarris will try to schedule the
>full X3T2 meeting Wed, Thur and Fri of the same week.

Hello B,

Monday and Tuesday Sept 16-17 are fine for me.


Eduard Hovy
email: USC Information Sciences Institute
tel: 310-822-1511 ext 731 4676 Admiralty Way
fax: 310-823-6714 Marina del Rey, CA 90292-6695
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