Joint Standards Workshop

Jim Nell (
Tue, 26 Mar 1996 16:48:05 -0800

Part 1: Call for Participation in Joint Workshop on
Standards for the Use of Models that Define the Data and
Processes of Information Systems

Dear Leaders of Standards Organizations:

Upon resolution of JTC1/SC21 (July, 1995, Ottawa, Canada), and after
consultation with JTC1/SC7, TC184/SC4 and TC184/SC5, we have requested and
received authorization from JTC byResolution (below) to conduct a Joint
Workshop on Standards for the Use of Models that Define the Data and
Processes of Information Systems, as described in the attached Call for

Resolution 27: Workshop on Standards for the Use of Models that Define the
Data and Processes of Information Systems. (Sydney Australia, 11-15 March 1996)

"JTC 1 approves the proposal for a Workshop on Standards for the Use of
Models that Define the Data and Processes of Information Systems as
contained in the document JTC 1 N-4005.

JTC 1 notes that the JTC 1 Guidelines for Conducting Workshops (including
the status of the output documents) must be observed. JTC 1 encourages its
SCs to participate in this workshop, in particular SC7, SC14, SC21, and SC22
and asks that ISO/TC46 and ISO TC 204 also be invited and encouraged to
attend. In addition, JTC 1 asks the SC21 Chairman, Mr. Bartoli, to report
the results of this workshop to the next JTC 1 plenary meeting in Paris in
December 1996."

Pursuant to JTC1 procedures, we have made the following preliminary
arrangements for the conduct of the workshop:

1. The convener of the workshop will be Jim Nell of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST).

2. The secretariat of the workshop will be NIST.

3. The host and sponsor of the workshop will be The Boeing Company, which
will underwrite the costs of the workshop, thereby making it self-supporting.

The workshop will be open to all industry experts who pre-register by the
date indicated in the Call. The Call will be distributed through the
organizations listed in the call.

We hereby request the participation of your organization in the workshop as

1. Please transmit the attached Call for Participation to your members,
and to any other organizations you believe may contribute to the workshop.
If you have received this message by fax, please let us know of how to
distribute the Call to your members (such as the address of an email exploder).

2. Identify someone to represent your organization at the workshop by
contributing a presentation about your organization as described in the Call.

3. Identify someone to represent your organization in the selection of
papers to be presented at the workshop.

We realize that you will need to follow the procedures of your organization
to make these determinations. We would appreciate being informed of your
decisions as soon as possible.

Jim Nell, Convener
Part 2.

Call for Participation in Joint Workshop on Standards for the Use of Models
that Define the Data and Processes of Information Systems

This is to announce a joint Workshop on the role and direction of standards
for the use, integration and exchange of models of data and processes in the
development and management of interoperable information systems.


The Workshop will be held Tuesday, September 8, through Friday, September
12, 1996, in Bellevue, Washington, USA, just across Lake Washington east of

Facilities for the Workshop are provided through the generous support of The
Boeing Company.


There is a perception among the participants in international standards
organizations, and across industry in general, that there is a significant
amount of disharmony among the standards that address the use and exchange
of models in the development of information systems. Among the apparent
problems are the following:

> Multiple and often incompatible standards are being developed for the
same components of information systems.

> Labor is often expended in standards organizations in trying to solve
problems that have already been solved, either because there is no adequate
visibility of what other standards are doing, or because participants
disagree with minor details of other standards.

> Industry cannot implement an architecture that takes full advantage of
products that conform to the standards, because there is no overall
perspective that defines the relationships of those standard components.

> There are significant gaps in the standards needed to implement an
architecture of interoperable standard components.

Illustrative and symptomatic of these apparent problems are the following
(the order is arbitrary and does not represent any form of ranking; nor is
this in any way intended to be a complete list):

> STEP developed its data own modeling technique (EXPRESS), even though
many vendors provided modeling tools that were being integrated through the
export/import format of the EIA CDIF standard.

> IRDS , PCTE, PLIB (Parts Library, ISO TC184/SC4) and BSR (Basic Semantic
Repository, ISO) are independently developing standards for
dictionary/repositories to manage definitions of different aspects of
systems (and several others are talking about doing the same).

> IRDS, CSMF and ISO CDIF (SC7/WG11) are all developing techniques for the
integration of models of aspects of information systems. None has committed
the resources to provide a standard to address the semantic integration of
different aspects of information systems, for example, data models and
process models.

> STEP developed its own export/import format for product data exchange,
and its own application programming interface (the Standard Data Access
Interface or SDAI), with its own bindings to C++ and IDL, independently of
the remote database access and export/import facilities being developed by

> There is no clear responsibility for assuring that tools that conform to
the standards for specific domains will interoperate with one another,
although STEP has begun to consider whether that is a problem within its own
family of standards.

> There is no clear responsibility for defining the kinds of data and
process models that an enterprise needs to develop and exchange, what
business processes are supported by those models, or what the semantic
relationships are among those models.


Each of the sponsoring organizations seeks to develop standards that enable
the interoperation of components of the information systems of enterprises
around the world. Furthermore each of these organizations has adopted an
approach to that goal that emphasizes the use or exchange of models of
aspects of information systems, particularly data and processes. The
mission of the joint Workshop is to support that goal by achieving the
following objectives:

> To promote mutual understanding of the objectives, architectures and
directions of the sponsoring standards organizations.

> To achieve a commitment by those organizations to a common framework of
terminology and assumptions about the role of standards in the promotion of
interoperable information systems.

> To achieve a commitment to complementary standards and programs of work
that eliminate incompatible standards, reduce redundant activities and
facilitate the availability to industry of interoperable information systems
components that conform to all the relevant standards.

> To identify as yet unmet needs for standards for the exchange of models
that enable interoperable information systems.


The benefits to industry of achieving the above objectives include but are
not limited to the following:

> Reduce cost and time to implement information system requirements by
- improved reuse of proven standard product and software components
- improved accuracy in the use of models to support change impact analysis
- improved availability of standard products
- reduction of non-value added interfaces to be built and maintained
- leveraging investment in research and development through use of
expertise of standards organizations
- increased ability to generate software from models

> Reduce cost of long term data retention by
- improved convertibility of data between standard products

> Reduce cost and time to implement effective partnerships by
- reliance on standard data models that are incorporated into enterprise
data models
- reliance on implemented data exchange standards
- reliance on standard products

> Improve product quality by
- improved reuse of proven product and software components
- improved accuracy of change impact analysis
- improved communication with customers and suppliers


The Workshop will publish a set of Proceedings on the World Wide Web that
includes the contributions of participating standards organizations and
industry experts, and minutes of the discussions on the topics of the

In addition the Workshop will prepare the following for submission to the
sponsoring technical committees, subcommittees, working groups and
rapporteur groups:

> resolutions of the workshop on issues raised by discussion of national
body contributions

> recommendations for actions to be taken to promote complementary
standards and programs of work

> proposals to ISO and IEC for new work items to complement existing
programs of work.


Participating Organizations

This Workshop is a joint activity of the following international standards
organizations. Each of these organizations is invited to identify industry
experts to contribute to the workshop.

ISO TC184 -- Industrial Automation Systems and Integration
SC4 -- Product Data (STEP: STandard for the Exchange of Product model
WG10 -- STEP Architecture; STEP Reference Manual
SC5 -- Architecture and communications
WG1 -- Modeling and Architecture
ISO TC211 -- Geographic Information and Geometrics
ISO/IEC JTC1 -- Information Technology
SC7 -- Software Engineering
WG11 -- Software Engineering Data Description and Interchange (SEDDI)
(the international standardization of
CASE Data Interchange Format, CDIF)
SC14 -- Specification and Standardization of Data Elements
SC21 -- Open Systems Interconnection, Data Management, and Open Distributed
WG3 -- Database
CSMF -- Conceptual Schema Modeling Facilities
IRDS -- Information Resource Dictionary System
SC22 -- Languages
WG22 -- Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE)

Each participating organization is expected to contribute in advance a paper

> the requirements, objectives and subject of the standards it is developing

> its assumptions about the manner in which those standards will be
implemented, and the role of components that conform to those standards in
the architectures of the enterprises in which they are implemented

> its assumptions about the relationships of those standards to any other

> its approaches, programs of work and expected dates of delivery of its

and to make a presentation at the workshop that summarizes these points and
respond to questions from all participants.

Each organization is also expected to identify a representative to assist
with the selection of contributions from industry experts for presentation
at the workshop.

Participating Industry experts

In addition industry experts are invited to submit papers by for
consideration by the Workshop. All papers will be published on the World
Wide Web for review by participants prior to the Workshop. All
participating organizations are invited to identify industry experts to make
such contributions, but contributions will be considered from anyone.

A number of these expert contributions will be selected for oral
presentation at the Workshop summarizing the position stated in the paper.
Copies of the presentations will be made available to participants in
addition to the paper on the WWW. In generalwe expect that papers will be
substantive and detailed, while presentations will be summary and
explanatory. Since the agenda provides only one day for the presentation of
expert contributions, a limited number of such submissions will be selected.
Papers will be considered on any subject relevant to the above objectives,
but special attention will be given in the selection process to papers that

> propose target architectures of information systems in which the role of
standards-conforming components in achieving interoperability is clear; and/or

> propose adjustments to the current programs of work of the participating
standards organizations in order to improve the way those standards
complement each other.

Preference will be also given to papers that are sensitive to the
interpersonal dynamics of the standards process, and that contribute to a
brainstorming process among peers. The question should be what can be done
to improve the process, not how to do it.

To assure adequate meeting space all participants are required to register
by the date shown below.


Outlines and abstracts of all contributions from industry experts must be
received as electronic mail (with no attachments) to the Workshop Program
Committee (see address below) by the date listed below. The subject line
should clearly indicate that it is a contribution to the joint workshop.

Drafts of completed papers, both by industry experts for review and also by
participating organizations, must be submitted by the date listed below in
HTML format, capable of publication on the World Wide Web and presentation
through a tool such as Mosaic. Alternatively, contributors may submit the
URL of a document accessible through the World Wide Web. The details and
procedures for submission will be communicated to contributors upon receipt
of their abstract and the determination by the Program Committee that it is
suitable as a contribution to the Workshop.

Camera-ready hard copies of all presentations are to be provided to the
Workshop by the date below. Facilities will be made available for a variety
of presentation forms, including projection of viewfoils and slides, as well
as from computers.

Dates and Agenda

May 1, 1996 -- Final date for receipt from national bodies of abstracts and
outlines of contributions from industry experts for consideration for
inclusion as oral presentations at the Workshop.

May 15, 1996 -- Notification of interest in national body contributions from
industry experts and invitations to submit complete draft.

June 14, 1996 -- Final date for receipt from national bodies of complete
draft contributions from industry experts for consideration for inclusion in
the Workshop. Drafts at this stage need not be in final form, but they must
be sufficiently complete to assess the value of their contribution to the
workshop. A brief biography of the author or authors must be included.

Pre-registration of participants accepted beginning this date.

July 15, 1996 -- Notification of selection of national body contributions
from industry experts for oral presentation.

August 1, 1996 -- Final date for receipt from contributing experts of final
pre-meeting drafts of all papers in HTML format. These drafts will be
published on the World Wide Web for review by participants prior to the
meeting. A brief biography of the author or authors must be included.

Final date for registration of participants. In order to assure that
adequate facilities are available, NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER

August 23, 1996 -- Final date for receipt from contributing experts of
camera-ready copies of all of contributed papers and presentations. Paper
copies of these papers and presentations will be distributed to participants
for use during the meeting. If camera-ready copies of contributed papers
are not received by this date, a hard-copy of the HTML form of the document
will be made for distribution.

September 9-12, 1996 -- Joint Workshop on Standards for the Use of Modeling
in Information Systems

September 9 -- Familiarization: Presentations by participating
organizations on their requirements, objectives, assumptions and approaches.

September 9 -- Contributions: Presentations by industrial experts of
contributions to Workshops.

September 9 -- Directions: Open brainstorming on complementary directions.

September 9 -- Commitment: Formulation and adoption of plan of action;
drafting of letters to participating organizations.

October 1, 1996 -- Final date for receipt from national bodies of final
post-meeting drafts of all contributed papers. These drafts will be
published on the World Wide Web as the Proceedings of the Workshop. Unless a
corrected draft is received, the final pre-meeting draft will be included in
the Proceedings.

October 21, 1996 -- Publication of Proceedings on World Wide Web


Workshop Convener: Jim Nell, NIST, USA.

Workshop Secretariat: NIST (USA) will serve as secretariat.

Workshop Arrangements Committee: Jim Fulton, Liaison between ISO TC184/SC4
and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7; and Jim Nell, Convener of ISO TC184/SC5/WG1

The Workshop Arrangements Committee is responsible for securing a site and
facilities for the meeting, for communications among Workshop committees,
participating organizations and industry experts, and for timely publication
of documents on the World Wide Web.

Addresses: All communication regarding the workshop can be addressed to
either of the following:

Jim Nell, Convener
Phone: +1 301 975 5748
Fax: +1 301 258 9749

(Postal Address)
Bldg. 220, A127
Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA

(Delivery Address -- Fedex, etc.)
Quince Orchard and Clopper Roads
Bldg. 220, A127
Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA

Jim Fulton, Arrangements Chair
Phone: +1 206 865-3151
Fax: +1 206 865-6903

(Postal Address)
The Boeing Company
M/S 7L-70
PO Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207, USA

(Delivery Address -- Fedex, etc.)
The Boeing Company
M/S 7L-10
2710 160th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98008, USA

James G. Nell
Bldg. 220 Rm. A127
Gaithersburg MD, 20899
1 (301) 975 5748 (V), 1 (301) 258 9749 (F)
Time: US EST=Zulu-5