;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package:ONTOLINGUA-USER; Base:10 -*-

;;; 3D-Tensor Quantities
;;; (c) 1993,1994 Gregory R. Olsen and Thomas R. Gruber

(in-package "ONTOLINGUA-USER")

(define-theory 3D-TENSOR-QUANTITIES (tensor-quantities)

  "This theory specializes the Tensor-Quantities for tensors of spatial.dimension 3.  3D-tensors are ubiquitous in engineering analysis and have important special properties.  The cross product (or vector product) is defined for vector-quantities of spatial.dimension 3."
  :issues ("(c) 1993, 1994 Gregory R. Olsen and Thomas R. Gruber"
	   (:see-also "The EngMath paper on line")))

;; 3-Dimensional Tensor-Quantity Algebra

(in-theory '3D-tensor-quantities)

(define-class 3D-DYAD (?x)
  "Second order tensors of 3-dimensions."

  :def (and (dyad ?x)
	    (spatial.dimension ?x 3)))

(define-class 3D-VECTOR-QUANTITY (?x)

  "Vectors of 3-dimensions. (These vectors have important properities
and are of particular interest to engineering analysis)."

  :def (and (vector-quantity ?x)
	    (spatial.dimension ?x 3)))

(define-function CROSS (?v1 ?v2) :-> ?v

  "Vector or cross product of two three dimensional vectors.  If we
know the components of two vectors with respect to a common basis, we
can determine the components of the cross product in that basis."

  :iff-def (and
	    (3d-vector-quantity ?v1)
	    (3d-vector-quantity ?v2)
	    (3d-vector-quantity ?v)

	    (= (quantity.dimension ?v) 
	       (* (quantity.dimension ?v1)
		  (quantity.dimension ?v2)))

	    (= (dot ?v1 ?v) 
		(* (quantity.dimension ?v1)
		   (quantity.dimension ?v))))

	    (= (dot ?v2 ?v)
		(* (quantity.dimension ?v2)
		   (quantity.dimension ?v))))

	     (= (vector-component ?v 1 ?b)
		(* (vector-component ?v1 2 ?b)
		   (vector-component ?v2 3 ?b))
		(* (vector-component ?v2 2 ?b)
		   (vector-component ?v1 3 ?b))))
	     (= (vector-component ?v 2 ?b)		
		 (* (vector-component ?v2 1 ?b)
		    (vector-component ?v1 3 ?b))
		 (* (vector-component ?v1 1 ?b)
		    (vector-component ?v2 3 ?b))))
	     (= (vector-component ?v 3 ?b)		
		 (* (vector-component ?v1 1 ?b)
		    (vector-component ?v2 2 ?b))
		 (* (vector-component ?v2 1 ?b)
		    (vector-component ?v1 2 ?b)))))))

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