This ontology specializes the configuration design task for the VT problem. It defines the type of components that are to be designed and the restricted set of operators that may appear in constraints. It specializes the more general configuration design theory by adding commitments to a notion of optimality based on a cost function.
Configuration-Design Frame-Ontology Kif-Relations Kif-Sets Kif-Lists Kif-Numbers Kif-Meta Kif-Sets Kif-Lists ... Scalar-Quantities Physical-Quantities Frame-Ontology ... Abstract-Algebra Frame-Ontology ... Standard-Units Physical-Quantities ...
Simple-Bikes Vt-Domain Vt-Example
Cost-Quantity Vt-Component Vt-Constraint Vt-Constraint-Sentence
The following constants were used from included theories:
All constants that were mentioned were defined.
All VT constraints have a restricted form, specified by vt-constraint-sentence.
Slots Of Instances:
A VT constraint-sentence is a constraint-sentence with the logical operators, relational constants, and attribute operators restricted as listed below.
(=> (Vt-Constraint-Sentence ?Sentence) (Restricted-Constraint-Sentence ?Sentence (One-Of 'And 'Or 'Not '=> '<= '<=>) (One-Of '= '/= '< '> '=< '>= 'Member) (One-Of '+ '- '* '/ 'Setof)))
A VT component is just a component as defined by the configuration-design ontology, except that we define a slot for the cost.
Slots Of Instances:
The monetary cost of a component in a design.
A scalar quantity of the physical dimension 'currency'. By use of the standard-dimensions-and-units theory, costs can be stated in a variety of known currencies, and translation can be accomodated.
Slots Of Instances:
An optimal-component is the least costly instance of a component class. To evaluate this relation will require making some kind of closed-world assumption over possible components.
(<=> (Optimal-Component ?Comp ?Component-Class) (And (Component ?Comp) (Component-Class ?Component-Class) (Instance-Of ?Comp ?Component-Class) (=> (Instance-Of ?Other-Component ?Component-Class) (=< (Component.Cost ?Comp) (Component.Cost ?Other-Component) ))))