What's new? See <http://www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/news/>

Timothy Finin <finin@cs.umbc.edu>
From: Timothy Finin <finin@cs.umbc.edu>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 10:42:28 -0400
Message-id: <199510031442.KAA15132@cujo.cs.umbc.edu>
To: agents@sun.com, kif@cs.stanford.edu, kqml@cs.umbc.edu, srkb@cs.umbc.edu,
Subject: What's new? See <http://www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/news/>
Sender: owner-srkb@cs.umbc.edu
Precedence: bulk
We've been maintaining a set of web pages on software agents, KQML and
knowledge sharing technology at <http://www.cs.umbc.edu/agents/>.  Of
course, a problem with this kind of resource is that one never knows
when something new and interesting has been added.  Even if you did,
you still have to search for it in a maze of twisty little links.

To ease this problem, we've adopted the discipline of *adding every
item at least twice*.  Items are categorized with respect to a
taxonomy of topics (ad hoc but evolving toward something coherent) and
placed on the relevant sub-pages.  Every item is also DATED and added
to a NEWS page which is kept in reverse chronological order.

Thus, you can easily monitor what's new in these pages by looking at

Thanks for all of the URLs and pointers that people have sent for
inclusion to these pages.  Mail new ones to AGENTNEWS@CS.UMBC.EDU.


 Professor Tim Finin, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University
 of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore MD 21228. http://umbc.edu/~finin/.
 finin@umbc.edu. VOICE: 410-455-3522. FAX: -3969. SEC: Angie Silanskis -2732.