Sujansky, W.
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- KSL-95-49
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. B. A Formal Evaluation of the TransFER Model for Bridging Heterogeneous Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, May, 1995.
- KSL-94-07
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. Bridging the Representational Heterogeneity of Clinical Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, February, 1994.
- KSL-94-08
- Sujansky, W. An Extended Relational Algebra for Bridging Representational Heterogeneity among Relational Databases. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1994.
- KSL-94-37
- Sujansky, W. & Altman, R. Towards a Standard Query Model for Sharing Decision-Support Applications. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, November, 1994.
- KSL-92-19
- Shwe, M.; Sujansky, W.; & Middleton, B. Reuse of Knowledge Represented in the Arden Syntax. Washington, D.C., 1992.
- KSL-92-53
- Sujansky, W. & Shwe, M. The SQLX System: Generating Explanations for Clinical Rules Encoded in SQL. 1992.
- KSL-92-83
- Sujansky, W.; Zingmond, D.; Toshiyuki, M.; & Barsalou, T. PENGUIN: An Intelligent System for Modeling and Sharing Declarative Knowledge Stored in Relational Databases. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, November, 1992.
- KSL-90-12
- Barsalou, T.; Sujansky, W.; & Wiederhold, G. Expert Data Systems in Biomedicine: The PENGUIN Project. 1990.
- KSL-90-42
- Barsalou, T.; Sujansky, W.; Herezenberg, L.; & Wiederhold, G. Management of Complex Immunogenetics Information Using an Enhanced Relational Model. 1991.
- KSL-90-44
- Sujansky, W.; Barsalou, T.; & Wiederhold, G. Structural Semantics and Complex Objects for the Coupling of Relational Databases and Knowledge-Based Systems. KSL, July, 1990.
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