Nishimura, S.

Nishimura, S.

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Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Simple/Care: An Instrumented Simulator for Multiprocessor Architectures. KSL, September, 1990.

Saraiya, N. P.; Delagi, B. A.; & Nishimura, S. Design and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Report Integration System. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, 1989.

Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. Instrumented Architectural Simulation. November, 1987.

Delagi, B. A.; Saraiya, N.; Nishimura, S.; & Byrd, G. An Instrumented Architectural Simulation System. January, 1987.

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