Neller, T.

Neller, T.

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Neller, T. W. Simulation-Based Search for Hybrid System Control and Analysis. 2000.

Neller, T. W. Heuristic Optimization and Dynamical System Safety Verification. Center for Continuing Education, Univ of Notre Dame, Univ. of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 1997.

Neller, T. W. Information-Based Optimization Approaches to Dynamical System Safety Verification. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, March, 1998.

Choueiry, B. Y.; McIlraith, S. A.; Iwasaki, Y.; Loeser, T.; Neller, T.; Engelmore, R.; & Fikes, R. Thoughts Towards a Practical Theory of Reformulation for Reasoning about Physical Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, June, 1998.

McIlraith, S.; Biswas, G.; Fromherz, M.; Howe, J.; Fikes, R.; Bobrow, D.; Cutkosky, M.; Engelmore, R.; & Neller, T. Model-Enabled Control of Hybrid Systems. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, July, 1998.

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