Web Offerings of Interest to the KSL
Here are some other WWW offerings of general interest to the KSL community.
- Stanford Center for Design Research
- The CDR is a center for research on design process and design tool
development for engineering design. Our colleagues in the CDR collaborate on
the development of ontologies, engineering agents, and collaborative design
- Enterprise Integration Technologies
- EIT collaborates with the KSL on several projects concerning
knowledge sharing, software interoperability, and WWW servers.
- Mike Genesereth's Logic Group at Stanford
- The Logic Group is a leader on research on knowledge sharing
and agent interoperation.
- ARPA MADE program web resources
- Web-resident Demonstrations of projects in the ARPA Manufacturing and Design Engineering program
- The Canadian National Research Council's AI lab
- Contains pointers to AI resources on the WWW.
- Information Extraction & Transport, Inc. (IET)
- Addresses issues involved in translating from Bayes Nets into
logic-based representation languages including KIF and Ontolingua.
Adam Farquhar (afarquhar@ksl.stanford.edu)
Last modified: Thu Sep 5 12:03:21 PDT 1996