Web Offerings of Interest to the KSL

Here are some other WWW offerings of general interest to the KSL community.
Stanford Center for Design Research
The CDR is a center for research on design process and design tool development for engineering design. Our colleagues in the CDR collaborate on the development of ontologies, engineering agents, and collaborative design tools.
Enterprise Integration Technologies
EIT collaborates with the KSL on several projects concerning knowledge sharing, software interoperability, and WWW servers.
Mike Genesereth's Logic Group at Stanford
The Logic Group is a leader on research on knowledge sharing and agent interoperation.
ARPA MADE program web resources
Web-resident Demonstrations of projects in the ARPA Manufacturing and Design Engineering program
The Canadian National Research Council's AI lab
Contains pointers to AI resources on the WWW.
Information Extraction & Transport, Inc. (IET)
Addresses issues involved in translating from Bayes Nets into logic-based representation languages including KIF and Ontolingua.

Adam Farquhar (afarquhar@ksl.stanford.edu)
Last modified: Thu Sep 5 12:03:21 PDT 1996