Tenth International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, 1996

May 21-24, 1996 --- Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, California, USA.
Click here for a crude map.

Sponsored by: American Association for Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Inc., and Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University

Call for Paper and Abstracts

Following the continued success of the Qualitative Reasoning (QR) Workshops, the tenth international workshop will be held at the Stanford Sierra Camp, Fallen Leaf Lake, California. Papers are invited on any area with topics relevant to Qualitative Reasoning, including (but not limited to): We also invite abstracts on applications of qualitative reasoning techniques to practical problems. These may include abstracts of unpublished work, papers appearing elsewhere, and descriptions of fielded systems. The purpose of inviting submissions of abstracts is to encourage discussion of applications of qualitative reasoning to real-world problems. We encourage such submissions even if the authors do not plan to attend the workshop but would like to publicize the work to the research community.


Full Papers

Papers will be selected according to their quality, significance, originality, and potential to generate discussion. A paper must not exceed 5000 words (max. 12 pages), excluding references and abstract.


Abstracts will be selected according to their relevance to the field. An abstract must not exceed 1000 words (max. 3 pages), excluding references. An author of abstracts should indicate whether he/she wishes to attend the workshop.

We encourage electronic submission. Submit a postscript file to qr96-submit@ksl.stanford.edu with the subject "full paper" or "abstract".

If submitting hard copies, mail six copies (one copy only if submitting by fax) to one of the workshop co-chairs.


The proceedings of the workshop containing all the accepted papers and abstracts will be published by AAAI Press as a AAAI Technical Report.


To promote an active discussion among participants, attendance at the workshop will be by invitation only. People who wish to attend the workshop without submitting a paper or an abstract should send a letter or email to the chairs describing their background and research interests by the paper submission deadline. Limited financial assistance may be available for students interested in attending.

Further information


Workshop Co-chairs

Adam Farquhar axf@ksl.stanford.edu
Yumi Iwasaki iwasaki@ksl.stanford.edu
	Knowledge Systems Lab, m/c 9020
	Dept. of Computer Science
	Gates Bldg. 2A
	Stanford University
	Stanford, CA 94305
	Tel: (415) 723-3444
	Fax: (415) 725-5850

Program committee

    Bert Bredeweg          University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Adam Farquhar          Stanford University, USA
    Liliana Ironi          Istituto Analise Numerica - CNR, Italy
    Yumi Iwasaki           Stanford University, USA
    Takashi Kiriyama       University of Tokyo, Japan
    Brian Williams         NASA Ames Research Center, USA
    Feng Zhao	           Ohio State University, USA


Submission deadline: January 22, 1996
Notifications sent: March 4, 1996
Camera-ready copy due: April 8, 1996
Workshop: May 21-24, 1996

This information is also available over the WWW at http://ksl-web-web.stanford.edu/projects/htw/qr96/. More information on the qualitative reasoning research community is available at http://ai-www.aist-nara.ac.jp/doc/qphysics/.

This file was last updated on May 2, 1996 by
Yumi Iwasaki@ksl.stanford.EDU