KSL's Cognitive
Agent that Learns and Observes (CALO) Project is a DARPA sponsored
program with the goal of creating intelligent personalized assistants
that will learn about preferences and procedures by observing their
partner humans, but will also accept direct, naturally-expressed
guidance. Prof. Richard
Fikes is Principal Investigator on this project and technical lead
on reasoning work. Dr. Deborah
McGuinness is the technical lead on explanation work. Dr. Sheila McIlraith is the
technical lead on Web service ontology and composition work.
Research Team
Richard Fikes
Deborah McGuinness
Sheila McIlraith
Paulo Pinheiro da Silva
Alyssa Glass
Rob McCool
Jessica Jenkins
Research Focus
Automated Reasoning
JTP is KSL's object-oriented modular reasoning system. JTP is based on
a very simple and general reasoning architecture. The modular
character of the architecture makes it easy to extend the system by
adding new reasoning modules (reasoners), or by customizing or
rearranging existing ones.
Inference Web (IW) is a framework for explaining reasoning tasks by
storing, exchanging, combining, abstracting, annotating, comparing and
rendering proofs and proof fragments provided by reasoners embedded in
Web applications and facilities.
Web services
Related Publications
Automated Reasoning
Richard Fikes, Richard, Jessica Jenkins, and Gleb
Frank. JTP: A System Architecture and Component Library for
Hybrid Reasoning Proceedings of the Seventh World
Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and
Informatics. Orlando, Florida, USA. July 27 - 30, 2003.
Richard Fikes, Jessica Jenkins, and Qing Zhou. Including Domain-Specific Reasoners
with Reusable Ontologies. Proceedings of the 2003 International
Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering. Las
Vegas, Nevada, USA. June 23-26, 2003.
Gleb Frank. A General Interface for Interaction of Special-Purpose
Reasoners within a Modular Reasoning System Question
Answering Systems. Papers from the 1999 AAAI Fall
Symposium. pp. 57-62.
- Deborah L. McGuinness and Paulo Pinheiro da Silva.
Infrastructure for Web Explanations.
To appear in Proceedings of 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Sanibel, FL, USA. Springer, October 2003.
- Deborah L. McGuinness and Paulo Pinheiro da Silva.
Registry-Based Support for Information Integration. In
Proceedings of IJCAI-2003's Workshop on Information Integration on
the Web (IIWeb-03), Acapulco, Mexico, pages. 117-122 August 2003.
Deborah L. McGuinness and Paulo Pinheiro da Silva.
Inference Web: Portable and Shareable Explanations for Question Answering.
In Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium
Workshop on New Directions for Question Answering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
pages 67-71, AAAI Press, March 2003.
- Deborah L. McGuinness.
Knowledge Representation for Question Answering.
In Proceedings of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Spring Symposium
Workshop on New Directions for Question Answering. Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
pages 75-77, AAAI Press, March 2003.
Web services
DAML Services Coalition (alphabetically A. Ankolekar, M.
Burstein, J. Hobbs, O. Lassila, D. Martin, D. McDermott, S. McIlraith, S.
Narayanan, M. Paolucci, T. Payne, K. Sycara).
``DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web '',
To appear in the Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC).
July 2002.
- Narayanan, S. and McIlraith, S.
Verification and Automated Composition of Web Services. To
appear in the Proceedings of the Eleventh International World Wide Web
Conference (WWW-11), May, 2002.
- McIlraith, S. and Son, T.Adapting Golog for
Composition of Semantic Web Services.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
(KR2002), April, 2002.
- DAML Services Coalition (alphabetically A. Ankolekar, M.
Burstein, J. Hobbs, O. Lassila, D. Martin, S. McIlraith, S.
Narayanan, M. Paolucci, T. Payne, K. Sycara, H. Zeng).
DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services'',
Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS).
July 30-August 1, 2001.
- McIlraith, S., Son, T. and Zeng, H.
Mobilizing the Web with DAML-Enabled Web Services,
The Second International Workshop on the Semantic Web
(SemWeb'2001) at WWW-10. May 2001.
- McIlraith, S. and Son, T.
Adapting Golog for Programming the Semantic Web,
Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Logical Formalizations of
Commonsense Reasoning (Common Sense 2001). May 2001.
- McIlraith, S., Son, T.C. and Zeng, H.
Semantic Web Service,
IEEE Intelligent Systems.
Special Issue on the Semantic Web. 16(2):46--53, March/April, 2001. Copyright
IEEE, 2001.
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