- Doyle, P. Believability through context: Using "knowledge in the
world" to create intelligent characters. In Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS
2002), 342-349, ACM Press, Bologna, Italy, July 2002.
- Amir, E., and Doyle, P. Adventure games: A challenge for cognitive
robotics. In AAAI '02 Workshop on Cognitive Robotics, Edmonton,
Canada, August 2002.
- Isbister, K., and Doyle, P. Design and evaluation of embodied
conversational agents: A proposed taxonomy. In AAMAS '02 Workshop on
Embodied Conversational Agents, Bologna, Italy, July 2002.
- Hayes-Roth, B. The big picture, AI's greatest trends and controversies,
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(1), 8-17, January-February 2000.
- Hayes-Roth, B. Adaptive learning guides. In
Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Computers and
Advanced Technology in Education, Banff, Canada, 2001.
- Hayes-Roth, B. Smart interactive characters. Web
Techniques, 4(9), 59-66, September 1999.
- Hayes-Roth, B. Staffing the Web with interactive characters.
Communications of the ACM, 1999.
- Hayes-Roth, B. Getting into the story. Style Magazine,
- Hayes-Roth, B, van Gent, R., Reynolds, R., Johnson, M., Wescourt, K.
Web guides. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(2), 23-27, April 1999.
- Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting with animate characters. AI*IA
Notizie, 12(3), 16-21, September 1999.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Ball, G., Lisetti, C., Picard, R., and Stern, A.
Affect and emotion in the user interface. Proceedings of 1998
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 91-96, ACM
Press, San Francisco, January 1998.
- Isbister, K., and Doyle, P. Touring machines: guide agents for sharing
stories about digital places. In Working Notes of the 1999 AAAI Fall
Symposium on Narrative Intelligence, November, 1999, AAAI Press.
- Doyle, P. When is a communicative agent a good idea? In Workshop on
Communicative Agents, Third International Conference on Autonomous
Agents, Seattle, WA, May 1999.
- Doyle, P. Virtual intelligence from artificial reality: building stupid agents in smart environments. In Working Notes of the 1999 AAAI Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games, April, 1999, AAAI Press.
- Hayes-Roth, B., and Doyle, P. Animate
Characters. In Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2, 195-230, 1998.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Ball, G., Lisetti, C. Picard, R. W., Stern, A. Panel on
Affect and Emotion in the User Interface. In Proceedings of the Conference
on Intelligent User Interfaces, January, 1998.
- Isbister, K., and Hayes-Roth, B., Social
Implications of Using Synthetic Characters: An Examination of a Role-Specific
Intelligent Agent. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report
KSL-98-01, 1998.
- Rousseau, D., and Hayes-Roth, B., Improvisational
Synthetic Actors with Flexible Personalities. Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-97-10, 1997.
- Doyle, P., and Hayes-Roth, B., Agents in
Annotated Worlds. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report KSL-97-09,
1997. A revised version appears in the Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Minneapolis, MN, May 1998.
- Maldonado, H., Picard, A., Doyle, P., and Hayes-Roth, B., Tigrito: A
Multi-Mode Interactive Improvisational Agent. In Proceedings of the
1998 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San
Francisco, CA, January 1998. Also available as Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-97-08, 1997.
- Rousseau, D. and Hayes-Roth, B. A
Social-Psychological Model for Synthetic Actors Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-97-07, 1997. A revised version appears in the
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomous
Agents, Minneapolis, MN, May 1998.
- Rousseau, D. and Hayes-Roth, B. Interacting
with Personality-Rich Characters Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Report KSL-97-06, 1997.
- Doyle, P. and Hayes-Roth, B. Guided
Exploration of Virtual Worlds. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Report KSL-97-04, 1997. A revised version appears in Network and
Netplay, F. Sudweeks, M. McLaughin and S. Rafaeli, eds., AAAI: Menlo
Park, 243-263, 1998.
- Huard, R. D. and Hayes-Roth, B.
Children's play with
improvisational puppets Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory
Report KSL-96-27, 1996.
- Huard, R. D. and Hayes-Roth, B. Children's
collaborative playcrafting Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report
KSL-96-17, 1996.
- Rousseau D., Hayes-Roth B. La personnalité
dans les acteurs synthétiques. To be published in Analyse de
Systèmes. Also Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report KSL-96-28,
- Rousseau D., Moulin B. Mixed
initiative in interactions between software agents. Proceedings
of the 1997 Spring Symposium on Computer Models for Mixed Initiative
Interaction, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, March 1997.
- Rousseau, D. and Hayes-Roth, B. Personality in
synthetic agents. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report KSL-96-21,
- Doyle, P. and Hayes-Roth, B. An intelligent guide
for virtual environments. In Working Notes of the IJCAI-97 Workshop
on Animated Interface Agents: Making Them Intelligent, Nagoya, Japan,
August 1997. Also available as Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report
KSL-96-20, 1996.
- Hayes-Roth, B., van Gent, R. and Huber, D. Acting in
character. In R. Trappl and P. Petta (Eds.), Creating Personalities
for Synthetic Actors. Also available as Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-96-13, 1996.
- Doyle, P., and Hayes-Roth, B. Computer-aided
exploration of virtual environments. In Working Notes of the AAAI-96
Workshop on AI/ALife, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1996.
- Rousseau, D. Personality
in computer characters. In Working Notes of the AAAI-96 Workshop on
AI/ALife, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 1996.
- Hayes-Roth, B. and van Gent, R. Improvisational
puppets, actors, and avatars.. In Proceedings of the Computer Game
Developers' Conference, Santa Clara, CA, 1996. Also available as Stanford
Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report KSL-96-09, 1996.
- Hayes-Roth, B. and van Gent, R. Story-making
with improvisational puppets and actors. Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-96-05, 1996.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Brownston, L., Sincoff, E., and van Gent, R. Directed
improvisation by computer characters. Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-95-04, 1995.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Sincoff, E., Brownston, L., Huard, R., and Lent,
B. Directed improvisation with animated puppets. Proc. of CHI '95 Conf. on
Human-Computer Interaction. Denver, 1995.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Sincoff, E., Brownston, L., Huard, R., and Lent, B. Directed
Improvisation. Stanford Knowledge Systems Laboratory Report KSL-94-61,
- Hayes-Roth, B., Brownston, L., and van Gent, R. Multiagent
collaboration in directed improvisation. Stanford Knowledge Systems
Laboratory Report KSL-94-69, 1994.
- Larsson, J. E., B. Hayes-Roth, Gaba, D. and Smith, B. Evaluation of
Medical Diagnosis System Using Simulator Test Scenarios. Artificial
Intelligence in Medicine, 11(2), 119-140, 1997.
- Larsson, J. E. and Hayes-Roth, B. Guardian: An Intelligent Autonomous
Agent for Medical Monitoring and Diagnosis, IEEE
Intelligent Systems and their Applications, 13(1), 58-64, 1998.
- Larsson, J. E., Hayes-Roth, B., and Gaba, D. Goals and Functions
of the Human Body: MFM Model for Fault Diagnosis, IEEE Trans on
Systems, Man, Cybernetics, 27(6), 758-764, 1997.
- Hayes-Roth, B., and Larsson, J. E.
A domain-specific software architecture for a class of intelligent
patient monitoring systems.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 8(2),
149-171, 1996.
- Larsson, J. E.
Diagnosis based on explicit means-ends models.
Artificial Intelligence, 80(1), 29-93, 1996.
- Larsson, J. E., Hayes-Roth, B., and Gaba, D.
Guardian: Final evaluation.
Technical Report KSL-96-25, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, August 1996.
- Ash, D. and Hayes-Roth, B.
Using action-based hierarchies for real-time diagnosis.
Technical Report KSL-95-02, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, January 1995.
- Larsson, J. E.
The MFM/Guardian operations manual.
Technical Report KSL-95-55, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, July 1995.
- Larsson, J. E.
Model-based monitoring and diagnosis of the human body.
Technical Report KSL-95-54, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, July 1995.
- Larsson, J. E.
Model-based diagnosis of the human body.
Technical Report KSL-95-09, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, January 1995.
- Larsson, J. E.
A toolbox for fast model-based diagnosis.
Technical Report KSL-95-08, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, January 1995.
- Larsson, J. E.
Hyperfast algorithms for model-based diagnosis.
Technical Report KSL-95-07, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, January 1995.
- Uckun, S.
Guardian knowledge acquistion manual.
Technical Report KSL-94-50, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, June 1994.
- Uckun, S.
Instantiating and monitoring skeletal treatment plans.
Technical Report KSL-94-49, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, June 1994.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Uckun, S., Larsson, J. E., Drakopoulos, J.,
Gaba, D., Barr, J., and Chien, J.
Guardian: An experimental system for intelligent ICU monitoring.
Extended abstract in SCAMC, Washington, D.C., 1994. Also available as
Technical Report KSL-94-39, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, 1994.
- Ash, D.
Diagnosis using action-based hierarchies for optimal real-time
Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 1993. Also available as
Technical Report KSL-93-69, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, 1993.
- Ash, D. and Hayes-Roth, B.
A comparison of action-based hierarchies and decision trees for real-time
performance. Proc. of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, D.C., 1993. Also available as Technical Report KSL-93-24,
Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, 1993.
- Uckun, S.
Intelligent systems in patient monitoring and therapy management.
Technical Report KSL-93-32, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, April 1993.
- Hayes-Roth, B., and Collinot, A. A satisficing cycle for real-time
reasoning in intelligent agents. In Expert Systems with Applications,
7, 31-42, Hermes, Paris, 1993. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-93-17.)
- Ash, D., Gold, G., Seiver, A., and Hayes-Roth, B.
Guaranteeing real-time response with limited resources.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 5(1), 49-66, 1993.
- Hayes-Roth, B. An architecture for adaptive intelligent systems.
Artificial Intelligence, 72 (1995) 329-365. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-93-19.)
- Ash, D. and Hayes-Roth, B.
Action-based fault hierarchies for real-time response.
Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1992.
Also available as Technical Report KSL-92-05, Knowledge Systems Laboratory,
Stanford University, 1992.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Washington, R., Ash, D., Hewett, R., Collinot, A., Vina,
A., and Seiver, A. Guardian: A prototype intelligent agent for intensive-care
monitoring. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 4, 165-185, 1992.
(Available as
KSL technical report KSL-91-42.)
- Vina, A., Ash, D., and Hayes-Roth, B.
Engineering reactive agents for real-time control.
Proceedings of Avignon 91: Expert Systems and their Applications,
Avignon, France, 1991.
Also available as Technical Report KSL-91-43, Knowledge Systems Laboratory,
Stanford University, 1991.
- Ash, D., Vina, A., and Hayes-Roth, B.
Action-oriented diagnosis under real-time constraints. Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Palo Alto, CA, 1990. Also
available as Technical Report KSL-90-39, Knowledge Systems Laboratory,
Stanford University, 1990.
- Vina, A., Ash, D., and Hayes-Roth, B.
Engineering reactive agents for real-time control.
Proc. of Avignon91: Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, 1991.
Also available as Technical Report KSL-91-43, Knowledge Systems Laboratory,
Stanford University, 1991.
- Ash, D. and Hayes-Roth, B.
Temporal representations in blackboard architectures.
Technical Report KSL-90-16, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford
University, 1990.
- Hewett, R., and Hayes-Roth, B.
Representing and reasoning about physical systems using prime models. In
J. Sowa, S. Shapiro, and R. Brachman (Eds.) Formal Aspects of Semantic
Networks, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990.
- Hayes-Roth, B.
Architectural foundations for real-time performance in intelligent agents.
Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing
Systems, 2, 99-125, 1990. Reprinted in J.M. David, J.P. Krivine, and R.
Simmons (Eds.), Second Generation Expert Systems. 1992.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Washington, R., Hewett, R., Hewett, M., and Seiver, A. Intelligent
real-time monitoring and control. Proc. of the International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit, MI, 1989.
- Washington, R., and Hayes-Roth, B. Input Data
Management in Real-Time AI Systems. Proc. of the International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Detroit, MI, 1989.
- Miksch, S., Cheng, K., and Hayes-Roth, B. An intelligent assistant for
patient health care. In Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Autonomous Agents, Los Angeles, CA, February 1997.
Y. Shahar, S. Miksch, & P. Johnson. An Intention-Based Language for
Representing Clinical Guidelines. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, KSL-96-15
, March 1996 & in 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, October 26-30, 1996,
Washington, DC.
- S. Miksch, K. Cheng, & B. Hayes-Roth. The Patient Advocate: A Cooperative
Agent to Support Patient-Centered Needs and Demands. Knowledge Systems
Laboratory, KSL-96-14
, March 1996 & in 1996 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium, October 26-30, 1996,
Washington, DC.
- S. Miksch, K. Cheng, & B. Hayes-Roth. An Intelligent Assistant for
Patient Health Care. Knowledge Systems Laboratory, KSL-96-14
, July 1996.
Y. Shahar, S. Miksch, & P. Johnson. A Task-Specific Ontology for Design and
Execution of Time-Oriented Skeletal Plans. .
SMI-96-0608, July 1996 & in Tenth Knowledge Acquisition for
Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop (KAW-96), Banff, Canada, November 9-14, 1996.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Pfleger, K., Lalanda, P., Morignot, P., and Balabanovic,
M. A domain-specific software architecture for adaptive intelligent
systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21(4), 288-301, April
1995. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-11.)
- Hayes-Roth, B., Lalanda, P., Morignot, P., Pfleger, K., and Balabanovic,
M. Plans and behavior in intelligent agents, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-93-43.)
- Hayes-Roth, B. Opportunistic control of action. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 12, 1575-1587, 1993.
- Pfleger, K., Scaling Up Grounded Representations Hierarchically,
In Working Notes of the AAAI-2001 Spring Symposium on Learning Grounded
Representations, Menlo Park, AAAI Press, April 2000.
- Pfleger, K., Partial N-grams. The ICML-2000 Workshop on
Machine Learning from Sequential and Temporal Data, 2000.
- Pfleger, K., Learning
Compositional Hierarchies by Data-Driven Chunking (1-page abstract), in
the Proceedings of the Sixteenth
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence., 1999.
- Drakopoulos, J., and Hayes-Roth, B. tFPR: A fuzzy and structural
pattern recognition system of multi-variate time-dependent pattern classed
based on Sigmoidal functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 93 (1) 1998.
- Langley, P., Pfleger, K., and Sahami, M. Lazy acquisition of place knowledge,
Artificial Intelligence Review, Special Issue on Lazy
Learning, 11(1-5):315-342, 1997.
- Pfleger, K., Context effects
and learning of hierarchical compositional structure (1-page abstract), in
the Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society., 1997.
- Pfleger, K., Learning of Compositional
Hierarchies for the modeling of context effects. KSL Technical Report KSL-98-04, Computer
Science Department, Stanford University, 1997.
- Pfleger, K., Categorical Boltzmann
Machines. KSL Technical Report KSL-98-05, Computer
Science Department, Stanford University, 1997.
- Pfleger, K. and Hayes-Roth, B., 1997. Using Abstract Plans to Guide Behavior. KSL
Technical Report KSL-98-02, Computer
Science Department, Stanford University, 1997.
- Pfleger, K. and Hayes-Roth, B., An
Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization. KSL Technical
Report KSL-98-03,
Computer Science Department, Stanford University, 1997.
- Pfleger, K., and Hayes-Roth, B. Plans should
abstractly describe intended behavior, in Alex Meystel, Jim Albus, and
R. Quintero (eds.), Intelligent Systems: A Semiotic
Perspective, Proceedings of the 1996 International Multidisciplinary
Conference, Volume I: Theoretical Semiotics, p.29-34, NIST,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1996.
- Langley, P., and Pfleger, K. Case-Based Acquisition of Place
Knowledge, in the Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on
Machine Learning (ML95), p. 344-352, 1995.
- Murdock, J. L. Model-Matching and Individuation for Model-Based Diagnosis.
Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 1995. (Available as KSL technical
report KSL-95-03.)
- Morignot, P. and Hayes-Roth, B. Adaptable Motivational Profiles for
Autonomous Agents. (Available as KSL technical
report KSL-95-01.)
- John, G., Kohavi, R., and Pfleger, K.
Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem
in the
Proceedings of the
Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning (ML94),
p.121-129, 1994.
- Hewett, R., and Hayes-Roth, B. Physical systems modeling for
integrated reasoning, modularity, and reuse. International Journal of
Expert Systems, 7, 1994.
- Morignot, P. and Hayes-Roth, B. Why Does an Agent Act? (Available as KSL technical
report KSL-94-76.)
- Latombe, J.-C. and Hayes-Roth, B. Dynamic Adaptation of Individual
perception-Action Control Plans in a Heterogeneous Team of Intelligent Mobile
Agents. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-63.)
- Wolverton, M. Retrieving Semantically Distant Analogies. Ph.D. Thesis,
Stanford University, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-46.)
- Drakopoulos, J. A. Sigmoidal Theory. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-41.)
- Drakopoulos, J. A. Probabilities, Possibilities, and Fuzzy Sets.
(Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-40.)
- Lalanda, P. and Hayes-Roth, B. Deadline Management in Intelligent
Agents. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-27.)
- Morignot, P. Embedded Planning. Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on AI Planning Systems (AIPS 94), Chicago, IL, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-23.)
- Washington, R. Abstraction Planning in Real Time. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford
University, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-21.)
- Wolverton, M., and Hayes-Roth, B. Retrieving semantically distant
analogies with knowledge-directed spreading activation. Proc. of the National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-94-19.)
- Murray, W. R. A User Guide to Language Frameworks. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-93-69.)
- Dabija, V. G. and Hayes-Roth, B. A Framework for Deciding When to Plan to
React. Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Washington, D.C., 1993. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-93-10.)
- Uckun, S. and Hayes-Roth, B. A Control Architecture for Intelligent
Mobile Robots. (Available as KSL technical
report KSL-93-09.)
- Washington, R. and Hayes-Roth, B. Practical Real-Time Planning.
Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Foundations of Automatic Planning.
(Available as
KSL technical report KSL-92-80.)
- Washington, R. Back to the Future: Forward Versus Backward Search for
Real-Time Planning. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-92-79.)
- Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent control. Artificial Intelligence, Special
Retrospective Issue on Most Frequently Cited AI Journal Articles, 59, 1993,
211-218. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-92-68.)
- Hayes-Roth, B. On building integrated cognitive agents: A review of
Newell's Unified Theories of Cognition. Artificial Intelligence, 59, 1993,
329-341. Reprinted in W. Clancey, S. Smoliar, M. Stefik (Eds.), Contemplating
Mind, MIT Press, 1994. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-92-48.)
- Hayes-Roth, B. Opportunistic control of action in intelligent agents. IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23(6):1575-1587, 1992.
(Available as
KSL technical report KSL-92-32.)
- Tommelein, I.D., Hayes-Roth, B., and Levitt, R.E. Altering the
SightPlan knowledge-based systems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Engineering, Automation, and Manufacturing, 6, 19-37, 1992.
- Tommelein, I.D., Levitt, R.E., and Hayes-Roth, B. Site Layout
Modeling: How Can Artificial Intelligence Help? ASCE,
J. of Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt. 118:3, 594-611, 1992.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Washington, R., Ash, D., Collinot, A., Vina, A., and
Seiver, A. Guardian: A prototype intensive-care monitoring
agent. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 4, 165-185, 1992.
- Murdock, J., and Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent monitoring of
semiconductor manufacturing. IEEE Expert, 6, 19-31, 1991.
- Tommelein, I., Levitt, R., Hayes-Roth, B., and Confrey,
A. SightPlan Experiments: Alternate strategies for site layout
design. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 5, 42-63, 1991.
- Pardee, W.J., Schaff, M.A., and Hayes-Roth, B. Intelligent control of
complex materials processes. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Engineering, Design, Automation, and Manufacturing , 4, 55-65, 1990.
- Washington, R., and Hayes-Roth, B. Input Data Management in Real-Time AI
Systems. Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Detroit, Mi., 1989. (Available as
KSL technical report KSL-89-06.)
- Garvey, A., Cornelius, C., and Hayes-Roth, B. Computational costs versus
benefits of control reasoning. Proc. of the Annual Conference of the American
Association for Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, Wa., 1987.
- Johnson, M.V.,and Hayes-Roth, B. Integrating diverse reasoning methods
in BB1. Proc. of the Annual Conference of the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, Wa., 1987.
- Hayes-Roth, B., Johnson, M.V., Garvey, A., and Hewett, M. Applications of
BB1 to arrangement-assembly tasks. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in
Engineering, 1986, 1, 85-94.
- Hayes-Roth, B. A blackboard architecture for control. Artificial
Intelligence, 1985, 26, 251-321. Reprinted in: Bond, A., and Gasser, L.
(Eds.), Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, Inc., 1988. (ASCII-only abstract and
outline on-line..)
- Hayes-Roth, B., Hayes-Roth, F. Rosenschein, S., and Cammarata,
S. Modelling planning as an incremental, opportunistic process. Proc. of the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1979. Reprinted in
R. Engelmore and A. Morgan (Eds.), Blackboard Systems. Addison-Wesley, 1988.
(ASCII-only abstract and
outline on-line..)
- Hayes-Roth, B., and Hayes-Roth, F. A cognitive model of planning.
Cognitive Science, 1979, 3, 275-310. Reprinted in A. Collins and E. E. Smith
(Eds.), Readings in Cognitive Science: A Psychological and Artificial
Intelligence Perspective. Morgan Kaufman, 1988; and in J. Allen, J. Hendler,
and A. Tate (Eds.), Readings in Planning, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990. (ASCII-only abstract and outline
- Hayes-Roth, B., Buchanan, B.G., Lichtarge, O., Hewett, M., Altman,
R., Brinkley, J., Cornelius, C., Duncan, B., and Jardetzky,
O. Protean: Deriving protein structure from constraints. Proceedings of
the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1986.
- Duncan, B., B.G. Buchanan, B. Hayes-Roth, O. Lichtarge, R. Altman,
J. Brinkley, M. Hewett, C. Cornelius, and Jardetzky, O. PROTEAN: A New
Method of Deriving Solution Structures of Proteins. Bulletin of Magnetic
Resonance, 8, 111-119, 1986.