Recent Events 1999 AAAI Spring Symposium on Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems. Artificial Intelligence Relevant Links Repository of free AI software and other helpful resources (CMU). Other major AI resources (CMU). Reasoning about Action (UTEP). Cognitive Robotics Group (Toronto). Common Sense Problem Page (Morgenstern.) Benchmark Library for Constraints (Gent, Selman, Walsh.) SATLIB - The Satisfiability Library (Hoos, Stützle.) DLS Circumscription Form (Linköping). SCAN Circumscription Form (Max-Planck Institute). AI Subject Index (NRC). AI Biblio Query (ÖFAI). AAAI - American Association for Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AIJ - Artificial Intelligence Journal. JAIR - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. ETAI - Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence and ETAI in a nutshell. Hybrid Systems E-letter (Lemmon.) SIGART - ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence Other Links On Scientists and Science. (from Vladimir Lifschitz). Edsger W. Dijkstra on universities. (from Vladimir Lifschitz) Vaclav Havel on the temptations of political power. (from Vladimir Lifschitz) Kevin Daniels "What a Language!" (from sumo Kindersley) Pictures and other fun stuff ...coming one of these days! Back to Home Last modified: Thu Jul 13 13:42:33 PDT 2000