Gruber FAQ

How To Documents

How to maintain the Ontology Library
How to maintain HTW's part of the the WWW-KSL offering.
How to maintain Ontolingua

Other FAQs

Who's going to manage the ontology library and ontolingua?
The person who reads the mail sent to It's not going away -- Richard Fikes is committed to keeping things improving and using the work in new areas.
How do I run Ontolingua?
From KSL, run the image /lisp/lucid/cms from any of the HTW Sparc 10s, such as hpp-ss10-1, hpp-ss10-3, hpp-ss10-5. We encourage running Lucid from Ilisp and emacs. From an outside site, see the documentation on Ontolingua
Where's the Gruber Mac public folder going?
It's now available from Unix at ~gruber/mac-public-folder/. To make this visible from your mac, you have to add it to your afpols file. I set it up for Michelle -- you can copy her configuration.
How should we respond to requests for reviews?
I put in my public mac folder, a file called "Reply to requests for reviewing" which is a letter you can send in my name.

Tom Gruber