uDerivable from Location-Of
uValue of Year-Of, Hour-Of, Minute-Of, & Second-Of is an integer
(=> (Time-Point ?p)
(= (Year-Of ?p)
(Quantity-Magnitude (Location-Of
?p) Year-Unit)) 1900)))
(Time-Point ?p)
(Hour-Of ?p)
(Quantity-Magnitude (Location-Of
?p) Hour-Unit)) 24)))
[Note: LINLT means “Largest Integer Less Than”.]
uValue of Month-Of is a Calendar-Month-Type
Calendar-Month-Type is a class whose instances are the
12 subclasses of
Calendar-Month (e.g., Calendar-January)
uValue of Day-Of is a Calendar-Day-Type
Calendar-Day-Type is a class whose 31 instances are
classes Calendar-Day-1 through
uValue of Week-Day-Of is a Calendar-Week-Day-Type