Knowledge Systems, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Stanford University

  Li Ding
Computer Science Department
Gates Building 2A, Room 242
353 Serra Mall,
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Tel: (650) 723-1876 
Stanford Fax: (650) 725-5850 
Email:  ding AT  

FOAF(rdf, htm),   curriculum vita (html, pdf),   old homepage

Li Ding is a postdoctoral fellow working with Deborah McGuinness in the Knowledge Systems, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (KSL) at Stanford University. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UMBC. He worked in the eBiquity lab and was advised by the Lab's director, Tim Finin. His thesis involved developing infrastructures for Web-scale data access, and he is the main contributor to Swoogle, the pioneering search engine for the Semantic Web.



Selected recent publications are listed below.  Complete  list of publications can be found in Curriculum vita. Other sources include:  DBLP,  and ebiquity group.

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