Berthe Yazid Choueiry
Berthe Y. Choueiry was a visiting scholar at the Knowledge Systems Laboratory
(KSL) of Stanford University from January 1997 to December 1998. She
holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering (1986) and a Ph.D. in Computer
Science (1994), both from the Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Her interests
include: reformulation & abstraction, constrained-based reasoning,
scheduling & resource allocation, interactive & collaborative
problem-solving, and complexity & graph theory.
She has been affiliated with the following institutions:
- Diploma candidate (1985): Laboratoire des réseaux d'énergie
électrique (LRE, Dept of EE, EPFL).
- R&D engineer (1986, 6 months): ETA Fabriques d'Ebauches (Grenchen,
- Post-graduate research student (1986-88, 18
Sekine and Yokoyama Laboratory (Dept. of EE, Univ. of Tokyo).
- Technical trainee (1988, 2 months): Toshiba
Heavy Apparatus Engineering Laboratory (Fuchu, Japan).
- Research assistant (1988, 6 months): Laboratoire des réseaux d'énergie
électrique (LRE, Dept of EE, EPFL).
- PhD candidate/research assistant (1989-1994): Laboratoire d'Intelligence
Artificielle. (LIA, Dept. of CS, EPFL). (Photo.)
- Research staff (1995, 10 months): Laboratoire d'Intelligence
Artificielle (LIA, Dept. of CS, EPFL).
- Research staff (1995-1996, 15 months):
Laboratoire d'Informatique Technique (LIT, Dept. of CS, EPFL).
- Visiting scholar (1997-1998, 24 months): Knowledge Systems Laboratory
(KSL, Stanford, CA). (Photo.)
- Invited scientist (1998, 3 weeks): Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL,
Tsukuba, Japan.)
- Visiting assistant professor (from January to
May 1999): Department of Computer Science, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte.
- Assistant professor (starting August 1999): Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
She can be contacted at the following addresses:,,,
More information can be found at this location.
An updated version of the QR98/SARA98 papers as a
from KSL.
Last modified: Mon Feb 55 18:40 EST 1999