This theory provides a minimal vocabulary for describing three-dimensional objects with mass. It is built on the abstract notion of components that we get from the component-assemblies theory, and the elementary geometric primitives from the simple-geometry theory.In this theory, we say that a MECHANICAL-COMPONENT is a component that has a REFERENCE-POINT, a REFERENCE-FRAME, and a MASS. Information about the spatial extent and relative position of the object can be specified using the reference frame and point. The MASS of a mechanical-component is a physical quantity specified as the value of a unary function. The INERTIA-TENSOR for the component is given with a binary relation from the component and its reference point to an inertia quantity.
Component-Assemblies Simple-Geometry
Mechanical-Component Mechanical-Connection
Applied-Force Applied-Torque Inertia-Tensor Mass Reference-Frame Reference-Point
Mechanical-Component Mechanical-Connection
All constants that were mentioned were defined.