The KIF vocabulary concerning numbers and arithmetic.
No theories were included by Kif-Numbers.
Kif-Extensions Kif-Lists
Number Complex-Number Negative Positive Real-Number Rational-Number Integer Even-Integer Natural Nonnegative-Integer Odd-Integer Zero
< =< > >= Logbit Logtest
* + - / 1+ 1- Abs Acos Acosh Ash Asin Asinh Atan Atanh Boole Ceiling Cis Conjugate Cos Cosh Decode-Float Denominator Exp Expt Fceiling Ffloor Float Float-Digits Float-Precision Float-Radix Float-Sign Floor Fround Ftruncate Gcd Imagpart Integer-Decode-Float Integer-Length Isqrt Lcm Log Logand Logandc1 Logandc2 Logcount Logeqv Logior Lognand Lognor Lognot Logorc1 Logorc2 Logxor Max Min Mod Numerator Phase Rationalize Realpart Rem Round Scale-Float Signum Sin Sinh Sqrt Tan Tanh Truncate
Complex-Number Even-Integer Integer Natural Negative Nonnegative-Integer Number Odd-Integer Positive Rational-Number Real-Number Zero
All constants that were mentioned were defined.