Sites Relevant to Ontologies and Knowledge Sharing
The information on this page is far from complete. Please send
suggestions to Adam Farquhar
The information on this page has been collected from a number of
sites, all of which are included here.
Table of Contents
Ontology resources collated by Nicola Guarino (Padova, Italy)
Ontology resources collated by Doug Skuce at the University of Ottawa
- Knowledge-base
Projects collated by Bruce Porter's group at the University of
Texas, Austin.
Classification Research Home Page (SIGCR, ASIS)
- Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning group, collated by Enrico Franconi at IRST, Povo TN, Italy
- TOP: Ontology resources page
maintained by KR&R, Inc.
- Aristotle
- A clearinghouse devoted to projects, research, products and services
devoted to 'automated categorization'.
- Untangle -
Intelligent information access by providing a deep representation of
information using description logics.
- University
of Twente, the Ontology Collection homepage
- ESPRIT Projects relevant to knowledge sharing and ontologies:
- EuroKnowledge - ESPRIT
Project to co-ordinate and encourage standardisation activities in the area
of knowledge technology.
- ESPRIT Project on "modelling Knowledge About Complex Technical
systems for multiple USe"
ESPRIT Project on "An Advanced and Comprehensive Methodology for Integrated
KBS Development";
KEML - Knowledge Engineering Methods and Languages, archive and mailing
- FERMI - ESPRIT Project on
"Formalisation and Experimentation on the Retrieval of Multimedia
and KREST - Components of Expertise Method and Toolkit(Free University
of Brussels)
- TRADE, LCM and TCM -
Toolkit for Requirements and Design Engineering (Free University of
- Linguistic
Geometry - applications to manufacturing, space navigation,
robotics, planning, scheduling, VLSI design and other systems
SPACENET - European Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Network
- Internet
Medical Terminology Resources.
- SHOE - A
proposed small extension to HTML which allows HTML authors to annotate their
web documents with formal knowledge-representation semantics.
- Language Analysis &
Knowledge Engineering (LAKE) Research Group at Ottawa;
Artificial Intelligence Center - Representation and Reasoning Technologies;
- the GKB-Editor: graphical
browser/editor for declarative knowledge
- Knowledge reuse and ontologies research at Osaka
Mizoguchi Lab, Japan - Ontology Engineering
- Shelter - an
environment for collaborative, team development of large knowledge based
systems in a manner facilitating sharing and reuse.
- Sensus
- Ontology Creation and Use in the Pangloss project (papers)
The Enterprise Ontology and Project at AIAI, University of Edinburgh
- The ThoughtTreasure
ontology, as part of the ThoughtTreasure artificial
intelligence program/tool set.
Ontology - from the Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State
- The Moby
lexicon project.
- The Reuse
Center - An Intelligent Distributed Data Base for OO Software
- Ontological
Foundations of Knowledge Representation - The AI & Robotics Group of
LADSEB, Padua, Italy
- The ARPA/Rome Laboratory Planning Initiative (ARPI) Planning Ontology
Construction Group (POCG), growing out of the older Knowledge
Representation Specification Language (KRSL) effort.
- The MIT LCS Clinical
Decision-Making Group Guardian Angel project
- The MIT LCS Planning Ontology Project
- The Edinburgh Plan Ontology
Knowledge Sharing Effort library
- The
ThoughtTreasure ontology. This ontology is available under the
terms of the GNU General Public License. It consists of 21,521
concepts and 37,162 assertions and is part of the ThoughtTreasure
artificial intelligence program/tool set, which contains much else
besides the ontology.
- The
Mikrokosmos ontology: An in-depth, broad coverage ontology for
multilingual Natural Language Processing
The complete SIGART AI Conference Calendar and Open CFP Calendar.
See the Knowledge
Representation page for a more complete listing of conferences.
Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (KAW) Series and Archives
8.1/13.2 Joint Working Conference on Domain Knowledge for Interactive System
- KEML'96 - 6th Workshop
on Knowledge Engineering: Methods and Languages
- ISKO'96 - "Knowledge
Organization and Change": the 4th Int Conf of the Int Soc for Knowledge
Organization (July 15-18, 1996, Washington, DC).
track on Information Interchange
- IPIC'96 - International
Working Conference on Integration of Enterprise Information and Processes
"Rethinking Documents"
- Workshop on Ontological
Engineering - held in conjunction with ECAI'96
- FQAS'96 - International Workshop on
Flexible Query-Answering Systems.
- KBSE'96 - The 11th
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference
- KRDB'96 -
Knowledge Representation meets Databases, At ECAI'96
- Workshop
Ontological Engineering - ECAI'96 Workshop
- BISCA-96 - Bolzano
International Schools in Cognitive Analysis
- TKE'96 - 4th
International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering; Association
for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer (GTW), International Network for
Terminology (TermNet), International Information Centre for Terminology
- Workshop on Product
Knowledge Sharing for Integrated Enterprises - within the First
International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management
There is a growing literature on ontology development and use as
distinct from general work in knowledge representation,
knowledge-based systems, and conceptual modelling. As time allows, I
will include references to such work here.
Adam Farquhar
Last modified: Tue Sep 24 14:33:45 PDT 1996