Here is the preliminary program of the combined conference
that will be help in Florence, Italy, 8-11 March 1998.
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Post forward this message to all your interested colleagues.
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Palazzo degli Affari, FIRENZE, Italy, March 8-11, 1998,,
Fax: +39-(0)55-4796363
----> Sponsored by: EUROMICRO, REENGINEERING FORUM, IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Task Force on Information Technology,
IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering
In Cooperation with CESVIT, Universita' di Firenze.
Patroned by: AICA, AIIA, DeQualitate, Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica,
Local Conference Organization:
Paolo Nesi, Alessandro Fantechi, Fabrizio Fioravanti
Dip. Sistemi e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Via S. Marta, 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy
--------------------------> Conference Program <------------------------------
Keynote Speakers:
- Continuous Engineering for Industrial Scale Software Systems.
H. Weber, ISST, D
- Evolving Software Practice for Year 2000 and Beyond.
S. Bohner, META Group - Software Engineering Strategies, USA
- Presentation of the Wayne Stevens Award and the Stevens Lecture on
Software Development Methods.
Session: Tool Architecture
- Architecture and Functions of a Commercial Software Reengineering Workbench
(H. M. Sneed - Software Engineering Service - D)
- Control Flow Normalization for COBOL/CICS Legacy System
(M. van Brand, A. Sellink, C. Verhoef, - University of Amsterdam - NL)
Session: Data Reengineering
- A Generic Approach for Data Reverse Engineering Taking into Account Application
Domain Knoledge (S. A. Ghannouchi, , H. H. B. Ghezola, F. Kamoun, ENSI, Tun)
- A strategy for reducing the effort for database schema maintenance
(D. Castelli - Istituto di Elaborazione dell'Informazione - I)
- Data Reverse Engineering Methods in Practice
(P. Aiken - Virginia Commonwealth University - USA)
- Database Reengineering for Quality (E. Locuratolo - IEI - CNR; M. Loffredo,
O. Signore, CNUCE - CNR - I)
Session: Business Information Technology
- An Organizational Framework for Mass-Customized Business Application
(P. Ludwig, T. Kaufmann, H. Liessmann - D)
- Driving IT Decisions from Architectural Principles
(E. Chikofsky - DMR Consulting Group - USA)
- Architectural Reflection: Bridging the Gap Between a Running System and its
Architectural Specification (W. Cazzola, A. Savigni, A. Sosio, F. Tisato,
University of Milano - I)
Session: Year 2000 Problem
- Variable Classification Technique for Software Maintenance and Application to The
Year 2000 Problem (K. Kawabe, A. Matsuo, S. Uehara - Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. JP
A. Ogawa - Fujitsu Ltd. - JP)
- From "Y2K" to Data Warehouses [and other beneficial impacts of the millennium
problem] (D. Aebi, C. Schucan, ETH Zurich - SW)
Session: Program Understanding
- On Constructing a Tool to Verify Programs for Processors Built in Machines
(T. Ohta, N. Matsumara, Y. Itoh, Shizuoka Univ. - JP)
- Improving Comprehensibility of Software with Diagramming, Folding, and
Coloring (J. H. Cross II - Auburn University - USA)
Session: Reuse and Object Oriented Techniques
- A Dependence-Based Representation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Software Maintenance
(J. Zhao - Fukouka Institute of Tech. - J. Cheng, K. Ushijima - Kyushu Univ.-JP)
- OOA Metrics for the Unified Modeling Language
(M. Marchesi-Univ. di Cagliari - I)
- Protection Reconfiguration for Reusable Software (C. D. Jensen, D. Hagimont -
Universite Joseph Fourier - F)
Session: System Assessment
- Towards Mature Measurement Program (F. Niessink, H. van Vliet-Univ. Amsterdam NL)
- A Tool for Process and Product Assessment of C++ Applications
(F. Fioravanti, P. Nesi, S. Perlini - University of Florence - I)
- Software Testability Measurement derived from Data Flow Analysis (P.-L. Yeh,
J.-C. Lin, Tatung Institute of Technology - Taiwan)
Session: System Documentation
- Documentu: A Flexible Architecture for Documentation Production Based on a Reverse
Engineering Strategy (C. de Oliveira Braga, Arndt von Staa, Julio C.S.P. Leite,
PUC-Rio - Brazil)
- Documentation Multi-Targeting Using ASML (C. Owen, F. Makedon, J. Ford, S. Rebelsky,
Grinnell College - USA)
Session: Software Architecture
- Assessing Architectural Complexity (R. Kazman - Carnege Mellon University - USA -
M. Burth - University of Mannheim - D)
- Architecture recovery for Software Evolution (J. C. Duenas, W. L. de Oliveira,
J. A. de la Puente - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - E)
- The Hot-Spots Technique to Scavenge for Architectural Elements
(H. Gall, B. Bellay, Technical University of Vienna - Austria)
Session: Requirements and Specification Evolution
- Requirements Evolution in the Midst of Environmental Change A Managed Approach (W.
Lam, M. Loomes - Univ. of Hertfordshire - UK)
- A Method for Assessing Legacy Systems for Evolution (J. Ransom, I. Sommerville,
I. Warren - Lancaster University - UK)
- System Specification Reengineering Using the SpecView Tool
(T. G. Kirner, R. C. Gratao - Federal University of Sao Carlos - BR)
- A Tool Supporting the Re-Design of Legacy Applications
(K. Cremer - RWTH Aachen- D)
Session: Maintenance Effort
- Modeling Maintenance Effort by means of Dynamic System
(F. Calzolari, G. Antoniol, P. Tonella - IRST - I)
- Improving Defect Removal Effectiveness for Software Development
(Hareton K. N. Leung The Honk Kong Poly. Univ.)
- The Extract-Transform-Rewrite Cycle A Step Towards metaCARE
(B. Kullbach, A. Panse - University of Koblenz - D)
Session: Logic Programming, Telecommunications
- A Metric Suite for Concurrent Logic Programs (J. Zhao - Fukouka Institute of
Technology - J. Cheng, K. Ushijima - Kyushu Univ. - JP)
- Identifying Fault Prone Modules An Empirical Study in Telecom-munication System
(S.-B. Hong, K. Kim - Call Proc.Section, ETRI - KR)
Session: Reverse Engineering in Practice
- A Process for Reverse Engineering of AXE 10 Software
(S. Haglund, Ericsson Software Technology AB - Sweden)
- Regenerative Verification and Validation: Moving Forward From Reverse Engineering
(T. Roberts - TASC - B. Farley - Motorola - USA)
- A Proposed Reverse Engineering Tech to Redocument High-Level Control Structures of
Embedded Systems Software (D. Wilkening -USA)
- Current Parsing Techniques in Software Renovation Considered Harmful
(M. van den Brand, A. Sellink, C. Verhoef, NL)
Papers in CSMR98 OPEN FORUM Sections
- DBFW A Simple DataBase FrameWork for the Evaluation and Maintenance of Automated
Theorem Prover Data (P. Jakobi, A. Wolf, D)
- Reengineering of Distributed Systems Using Formal Methods
(S. Kleuker - University of Oldenburg D)
- Metrics-based Evaluation of Object-Oriented Software development Methods
(R. R. Dumke, E. Foltin - University of Magdeburg - D)
- RENAISSANCE, A Method To Migrate From Legacy To Immortal Software System
(M. Battaglia, G. Savoia, J. Favaro - Intecs Sistemi - I)
- Visualization of Differences between Versions of Object-Oriented Sofware
(J. Seemann, J. W. von Gudenberg - Wurzburg University - D)
- Amber Metrics for the Testing & Maintenance of Object-Oriented Designs
(J. Doake, I. Duncan - Anglia Polytechnic University - UK)
- Tailoring the Process Model for Maintenance and Reengineering
(S. Stoecklin, D. Wiliams, P. Stoecklin, USA)
- Toward a systematic object-oriented transformation of a Merise analysis
(I. Borne, A. Romanczuk, F. Stefani, Ecole de Nantes - F)
- Object Evolution by Model Evolution (R. T. Mittermeir, H. Pirker, Dominik
Rauner-Reithmayer - Universität Klagenfurt - A)
- A sound and Pratical Approach to the Re-Engineering of Time Critical System
(H. Zedan, H. Yang, De Montfort University - UK)
- Reengineering a Computerized Numerical Control Towards Object-Oriented
(F. Butera, B. Fontanella, P.Nesi, M.Perfetti - ELEXA S.r.l. - I)
- Software Artifacts Reuse and Maintenance An organizational Framework
(C. Toffolon, S. Dakhli - Paris-Dauphine University - F)
- The Task Artifact Cycle: Some Experiences from Reengineering Practice
(S. Kutscha, sd&m GmbH und Co KG, D)
Session: CSMR98 Industrial Track
- ESSI Project CARERRAS (David Fox, England)
- ESSI Project PROMASYS (Miguel Fernandez Diaz, Spain)
Session: Results of the Reverse Engineering Demonstration Project
Companies, research centers, and universities participating in the Reverse
Engineering Demonstration Project will present their results on the analysis
of a single software system using different tools and techniques.
General Time Frame
The conference will run from Sunday 8th to Wednesday 11th. Registration will start on
Sunday 8th at the 16:00 and continues till 18:00. Conference will start at the 18:00 of
Sunday 8th with the official opening. The registration desk will be also open in the
morning from 8:00 to 9:00 of Monday and Tuesday. The conference will close its
activities Wednesday 11th at the 18:00.
Social Program
On Tuesday 10th the conference dinner will be organized.
Tours could be organized with the Agency by BUS or by feet to visit: Boboli Garden,
the Dome, Giotto Tower, The Old Bridge, Michelangelo Vista Point, Belvedere,
Cappelle Medicee, S. Croce Church, S. Miniato Church, Fiesole Village, S. Gimignano
Village, The Chianti Vine Area, the Old Market Area, Siena Village, Museum with the
David of Michelangelo, (Accademia Gallery), Uffizi Museum, Medieval Arms Museum,
Archeological Museum, and more than 100 churches along the town. etc.
For travel information, registration form, accommodation form,
and all other details please consult the www pages of the