11/6-11/7 Ontology meeting attendees

Jan Jannink (jan@DB.Stanford.EDU)
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 12:18:50 -0800

Hello Everyone,
I thought you might find it handy to have an on-line version
of the list of ontology meeting attendees I typed up last Thursday.
The list includes (I believe) all people who attended the meeting, and
is ordered according to seating positions in Gates 104 along the path
the sign up sheet took as it passed through the room. I find this to
be a useful mnemonic to attach faces to the names on the list.

Meeting Participants 11/6/97

Name Organization email

Tony Sarris Ontek Corp. asarris@ontek.com
Mark Sastry Compuware msastry@sastry.com
Kavi Mahesh Oracle Corp. kmahesh@us.oracle.com
John Sowa Binghamton U. sowa@west.poly.edu
Klaus Tschira SAP AG klaus.tschira@sap-ag.de
Klaus Tschira Foundation
Harold Boley DFKI GmbH boley@informatik.uni-kl.de
Patrick Cassidy MICRA Inc. cassidy@micra.com
Piek Vossen Amsterdam University piek.vossen@let.uva.nl
Nancy Lawler U.S. Dept. of Defense cbnl001@coc.coppin.umd.edu
Michael Uschold Boeing Research & Technology
Nicola Guarino LADSEB-CNR guarino@ladseb.pd.cnr.it
Robert Wood Manning & Napier rwood@manning-napier.com
Lee Auspitz Textwise/Manning & Napier lee@textwise.com
Fritz Lehmann Cycorp fritz@cyc.com
Marc Ilgen HNC Software mri@hnc.com
Roger Burkhart Deere & Company roger@90.deere.com
John McCarthy Stanford U. jmc@cs.stanford.edu
Michael Genesereth Stanford U. genesereth@cs.stanford.edu
Eduard Hovy ISI hovy@isi.edu
Bob Spillers IBM spillers@unet.ibm.com
Maggie Cooper City Univ., London m.cooper@city.ac.uk
Fumi Maruyama Fujitsu Labs Ltd. Superb@flab.fujitsu.co.jp
Bob Engelmore Stanford U. rse@ksl.stanford.edu
Arthur Greef IBM agreef@us.ibm.com
Jacek Ambroziak Sun Labs jacek.ambroziak@east.sun.com
Richard Fikes Stanford U. fikes@ksl.stanford.edu
Frank Olken Lawrence Berkeley National Lab olken@lbl.gov
Jan Jannink Stanford U. jan@db.stanford.edu
Martin van den Berg IBM vdberg@let.uva.nl

Here also are some of the web pages listed on the whiteboard during the course
of the meeting.

Cycorp http://www.cyc.com/
HPKB http://www.teknowledge.com/
Mikrokosmos http://crl.nmsu.edu/
follow links for: Research -> Mikrokosmos -> Ontology
Ontolingua http://ontolingua.stanford.edu/
Draft Upper Level http://htw.stanford.edu/
look for CYC-UPPER-LEVEL once logged in
OKBC http://www.ai.sri.com/~gfp/spec.html
Metadata pages http://www.lbl.gov/~olken/