o ACM MULTIMEDIA'97 will take place November 9-13 in Seattle. The 40
technical papers in the truly outstanding program cover all aspects
of multimedia technology and systems, so no matter what your specialty
you'll surely find much of interest here! Two great keynote talks by
Brad Myers of CMU and Ben Shneiderman of the University of Maryland,
and a reception at the Seattle Space Needle, will be highlights of the
conference. And yes, YOU -CAN- AFFORD TO COME, even at this late date,
because we've arranged incredibly cheap coast-to-coast zone fares with
USAir which -DO NOT- require a Saturday night stay or way-in-advance
purchase. For full details, check out the superb conference web site:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally
as General Co-Chair.
o ASSETS'98, the 3rd ACM/SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies,
will take place April 15-17, 1998 at the Marina del Rey Hotel in Los
Angeles (back-to-back with CHI'98). This is the premier international
forum where researchers and developers from academia and industry
meet to exchange ideas and report on new developments relating to
computer-based systems to help people. The conference scope spans
disabilities and special needs of ALL types; there are no parallel
sessions, in order to encourage total group participation throughout
the meeting (even meals are taken together). THERE IS STILL TIME TO
SUBMIT a paper or to volunteer to participate in other ways - the
deadline is November 14, 1997. For complete details, please see the
conference web site:
Or contact one of the lead organizers:
General Chair: Arthur I. Karshmer (e-mail: arthur@cs.nmsu.edu)
Program Chair: Meera M. Blattner (e-mail: blattner@llnl.gov)
I hope to see you at one or both of these great events. Thank you! -Ephraim