Re: [Tentative T2 Meeting Date and Location]

Frank Olken (
Mon, 29 Sep 1997 08:02:04 -0700 (PDT)

Quoting John F. Sowa:
> I think that there is sufficient material to have a full day on ontology
> (say on Wednesday Nov 5) just before the main business meeting of T2.
> Mike Genesereth and I will be involved with the KIF and CG standards,
> which we plan to present to the T2 group on Thursday (with voting
> on Friday). Those people who are primarily interested in ontology
> can either sit in on those meetings or continue to work on further
> ontology issues in small groups.
> John Sowa
Just a note that the proposed dates conflict with the Entity-Relationship
Conference in LA the same week. I imagine some folks involved in
conceptual modeling might want to attend the LA meeting.

If necessary I will probably skip some or all of the LA meeting.


Frank Olken

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