NCITS T2 Meeting Planning

Anthony K. Sarris (
Fri, 27 Jun 1997 15:25:07 -0700

Dear NCITS T2 committee members and observers,

Based on the discussions at the conclusion of our March T2 meeting, our
next meeting has been tentatively planned as a joint meeting between T2 and
L8 members to be held on August 14-15 in the Seattle area, hosted by IBM
(T2) and/or EPA (L8). The location was based on the fact that some members
of T2 indicated they would be attending the ICCS (CG) conference and/or the
KRUSE conference to be held in the northwest about that same time. Since L8
is developing closely-related standards (they are US TAG for the ISO/IEC
JTC1 SC14 projects on data element/data repository/data dictionary meta
modelling), and given the ISO workshop in July to discuss meta data
standardization efforts in various communities (digitial libraries,
web-based meta data, KR, data dictionary/repository, CASE, OMG, Meta Data
Coalition, EDI, etc.), this seemed like an appropriate time to strategize
jointly about US standards projects in these areas.

At this time I'd like to get some idea of how many people would be able to
attend the planned joint meeting in the Seattle area. If the timing appears
bad now, please let me know if:

1. It would be preferable to postpone the joint meeting until the fall or
winter sometime.

2. There is any interest or need to have a T2 meeting (one or more days) in
the Bay area sometime before that joint meeting in the fall/winter.

We have no pressing T2 business at this time. After the ISO CSMF in late
July in London, we'll know better what, if anything, the US needs to do to
progress the draft CSMF CD to Final CD. This depends on what kind of
response there is at the July meeting to the US edits, and other national
body edits which we (unfortunately) haven't seen yet.

Please let me know your feelings on this matter via e-mail ASAP. We need to
announce any meeting 30 days in advance, so I'll make a decision how to
proceed based on the input I received by COB PDT, July 11, 1997.

Tony Sarris