Dear colleague:
Here is the call for papers for the 2nd EUROMICRO WORKING CONFERENCE on
Italy, in March 1998. Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple
copies of this call.
Please post and/or forward to all interested colleagues.
Thank you,
Call for Papers
Florence, Italy -- March 9-11, 1998
The purpose of the working conference is to promote discussion and
interaction about a series of topics which are yet underrepresented. We are
particularly interested in exchanging concepts, prototypes, research ideas,
and other results which could contribute to the academic arena and also
benefit business and industrial community. Researcher, practitioners,
technology transition experts, project managers, developers and users of
tools, are all welcome.
Topics of interest include but are not restricted to: Maintenance and
Reengineering Tools (CARE-Tools), Reverse Engineering Tools, Support of
Reengineering Tasks by CASE-Tools, Software Reusability, Tele-Maintenance
(Concepts, Experiences, Use of New Technologies), Maintainability of
Programming Languages (e.g., OOPLs), Models and Methods for Error Prediction,
Measurement of Software Quality, Maintenance Metrics, Formal Methods,
Maintenance and Reengineering of KBS, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering
Concepts, Experiences from Redesign and Reengineering Projects, Millennium
Problem (Year 2000), Euro Problem, Organizational Framework and Models for
"RE"-Projects, Software Evolution, Migration and Maintenance Strategies,
Design for Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Personnel Aspects of
Maintenance (Motivation, Team building), Third Party Maintenance, Empirical
Results about the Maintenance Situation in Businesses, Version and
Configuration Management, Legal Aspects and Jurisdiction, Organization and
Management of Large Maintenance Projects, Software Offloading, Related Areas
such as Software Documentation.
Program Committee:
V.S. Alagar, USA; A. Ambriola, I; G. Bakker, NL; K. Bennett, UK; A.
Bertolino, I; F. Brito e Abreu, P; G. Bucci, I; M. Campanai, I; A.
Cimitile, I; I. Classen, D; L. da F. Costa, BR; J.A. de La Puente, S; A.
Fantechi, I; J.-L. Hainaut, B; J. Harauz, CA; B. Henderson-Sellers, AU;
M. Hinchey, USA; F. Lehner, D; E.-A. Karlsson, S; T.M. Khoshgoftaar,
USA; P. Laplante, USA; S. Liu, J; M. Loewe, D; M. Marchesi, I; T.J.
Marlowe, USA; E. Miller, USA; J.-M. Morel, F; D. Natale, I; P. Nesi, I;
S. Nocentini, I; M. Pezze`, I; P.T. Poon, USA; L. Richter, CH; D.
Rombach, D; G. Sechi, I; J. Sommerville, UK; A. Stoyen, USA; J.
Taramaa, SF; H. Toetenel, NL; G. Tsai, USA; Y. Yamaguchi, J;
SUBMISSIONS: There are two types of papers: full length papers (not
exceeding 4000 words in length and including a 150-200 word abstract) and
short papers (not exceeding 2000 words in length and including a 75-100 word
abstract). Authors are strongly encouraged to send a PostScript version of
their paper by anonymous ftp to and put this file into the
directory pub/CSMR98/incoming (in order to avoid overwritings, the
PostScript file should be named:<author_surname.firstname.date_of_birth>.ps).
In addition, they should send by e-mail to the
title of the paper, full names, affiliations, postal and e-mail addresses of
all authors, fax and telephone numbers. Alternatively, the paper can be
sent by postal mail. In that case, five copies of all the above items
should be sent to a program chairman.
Proceeding will be published by IEEE Computer Society. Full papers
exceeding 8 pages (short papers 4 pages) will be charged for pages in
excess.For more information please contact the organization at the
The DEADLINE for submissions is Sept. 15, 1997. Authors will be notified
of acceptance by Nov.25, 1997. The camera ready version of the paper will
be required by Dec. 25, 1997. The following signed information should be
included in the submission: All necessary clearances have been obtained for
the publication of this paper. If accepted, the author(s) prepare the
camera-ready manuscript in time for inclusion in the proceedings, and will
personally present the paper at the working conference.
SPECIAL SESSIONS: Sessions of special interest proposed by delegates will be
welcome. Please send suggestions to a program chairman before the closing
date of submissions.
Program Chair: Paolo Nesi
Dip. Sistemi e Informatica, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze
Via S. Marta, 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy
Tel: +39-55-4796523 Fax: +39-55-4796363
Program co-Chair: Franz Lehner
Institute for Business Informatics, University of Regensburg
Universitatsstr, 31, D-93040 REGENSBURG, Germany
Tel.: +49-941-943-2734 Fax: +49-941-943-4986
Organizing Chair: Alessandro Fantechi
Dip. di Sistemi e Informatica, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze
Via S. Marta, 3, 50139 Firenze, Italy
Tel: +39-55-4796265 Fax: +39-55-4796363
Local Chair: Maurizio Campanai
CESVIT (High-Tech Agency), Fortezza da Basso
Viale F. Strozzi 1, 50129 Firenze, Italy
Tel: +39-55-4619154 Fax: +39-55-485345
General information
The conference will take place at Palazzo degli Affari, in the center of
Florence. Enquiries about the working conference arrangements should be
directed to the organizing chairman or to the local chairman.
Preregistration is suggested for the authors.