T2 meeting#40 summary

Freeman (x3t2mf@ptd.net)
Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:38:29 -0400

Participants in NCITS.TC.T2:

Below is my summary of what happened at the March T2 meeting in Marina del
Rey: action items, votes, attendance (of members), and relevant documents.
Please feel free to advise me where corrections should be made.

Note that these notes reflect what those present at the meeting knew at that
time, and information obtained later regarding membership status of two or
three member organizations has not been included; this has been my practice
as secretary. As far as Chair Tony Sarris and I can determine, the changes
in membership status did not affect the validity of the votes taken.
However, if the affected organizations feel strongly about the matter,
amendments to the draft minutes will be considered.

One more note: in order to reduce the list of addressees for this message, I
have included the "onto-std" exploder node. This means that some of you will
get this message twice. If this disturbs you, please advise me, and I will
take you off the addressee list whenever "onto-std" is used.

- Murray Freeman, T2 VC & Sec'y


Action items from NCITS.TC.T2 meeting #40 (March 1997, Marina del Rey, CA)

1. (1) Draft revision of NCITS.TC.T2/SD-002 to reflect the appointment of two
new ad hoc groups within T2 to handle the new KIF and CG projects (Freeman -
carried over)

2. (5) Investigate status of [d]pANS X3.208 (TSDN) at NCITS & ANSI, and take
steps needed to initiate fast-tracking it as ISO/IEC standard (Billingsley,
Sarris, Freeman - in progress)

3. Forward, to the JTC1 TAG, T2/97-009, the proposed list of US delegates to
the July 1997 meeting of SC21/WG3 CSMF-RG (Sarris)

4. Forward, to the proposed delegates themselves, T2/97-010, the US
delegates' instructions for the July 1997 meeting of SC21/WG3 CSMF-RG (Sarris)

5. Coordinate arrangements for T2 meeting #41, tentatively scheduled for the
week of August 11 or August 18 in the Minneapolis area, colocated there with a
meeting of NCITS.TC.L8 (Sarris, Olken)

6. Forward, to the JTC1 TAG, the recommendation that JTC1/SC21 N10767, Draft
Technical Corrigendum to ISO/IEC 8211:1994, be approved by the US as
presented [by ISO 8211 editor Al Brooks] (Freeman)

7. Forward, to NCITS and the JTC1 TAG, T2's formal reaffirmation of its
December 1996 recommendations, X3T2/96-032 through -035,for the US positions
on the ASN.1 PDAM letter ballots SC21 N10422, N10424, N10420, and N10423

8. Forward, to the JTC1 TAG, T2's recommendation that the US position on the
CD 14481 (CSMF) ballot be to vote YES with comments T2/97-007 (Sarris)

9. Forward, to the JTC1 TAG, T2's recommendation that the US position on the
FCD 10967-2 (LIA-2) ballot be to vote NO with comments T2/97-008 (Sarris)


Motions voted on at NCITS.TC.T2 meeting #40
Marina del Rey, CA --- 18-21 March 1997

2. A motion (Sarris, Freeman) that the draft agenda, dated 14 February 1997,
for the fortieth meeting of NCITS.TC.T2 (T2/97-001) be approved, was passed
unanimously (6-0-0-8).

3.1. After the assignment of document number X3T2/96-037, a motion (Sastry,
Freeman) that the draft minutes of the thirty-ninth meeting of X3T2 (dated 14
February 1997) as so amended be approved, was passed unanimously (6-0-0-8).

18.2.1./10.2. A motion (Lawler, Freeman), that NCITS.TC.T2 formally reaffirm
its December 1996 recommendation that the US NB vote YES with comment X3T2/96-
034 on progressing ISO/IEC 8824-1/PDAM3 (SC21 N10420), was passed unanimously
(9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing (Uschold), Compuware
(Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM (Spillers), Ontek (Sarris),
Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-DoD (Lawler). There were
neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present for the vote were Digital
(Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp), and SunMicro (Hough).

18.2.1./10.2. A motion (Lawler, Freeman), that NCITS.TC.T2 formally reaffirm
its December 1996 recommendation that the US NB vote NO with comments X3T2/96-
032 on progressing ISO/IEC 8824-1/PDAM2 (SC21 N10422), was passed unanimously
(9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing (Uschold), Compuware
(Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM (Spillers), Ontek (Sarris),
Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-DoD (Lawler). There were
neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present for the vote were Digital
(Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp), and SunMicro (Hough).

18.2.1./10.2. A motion (Lawler, Freeman), that NCITS.TC.T2 formally reaffirm
its December 1996 recommendation that the US NB vote NO with comments X3T2/96-
035 on progressing ISO/IEC 8824-1/PDAM4 (SC21 N10423), was passed unanimously
(9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing (Uschold), Compuware
(Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM (Spillers), Ontek (Sarris),
Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-DoD (Lawler). There were
neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present for the vote were Digital
(Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp), and SunMicro (Hough).

18.2.1./10.2. A motion (Lawler, Freeman), that NCITS.TC.T2 formally reaffirm
its December 1996 recommendation that the US NB vote NO with comments X3T2/96-
033 on progressing ISO/IEC 8825-1/PDAM1 (SC21 N10424), was passed unanimously
(9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing (Uschold), Compuware
(Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM (Spillers), Ontek (Sarris),
Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-DoD (Lawler). There were
neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present for the vote were Digital
(Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp), and SunMicro (Hough).

18.2.3./12.1. A motion (Sastry, Spillers), that the US NB approve as presented
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC21 N10767, the Draft Technical Corrigendum to ISO/IEC
8211:1994 prepared by ISO/IEC 8211 Defect Editor Al Brooks, was passed
unanimously (9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing
(Uschold), Compuware (Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM
(Spillers), Ontek (Sarris), Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-
DoD (Lawler). There were neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present
for the vote were Digital (Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp),
and SunMicro (Hough).

18.3.1./14.1. A motion (Freeman, Spillers) that the US NB position on SC22
N2397, the FCD 10967-2 (LIA-2) ballot, be NO with comments NCITS.TC.T2/97-008,
was passed unanimously (9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were
Boeing (Uschold), Compuware (Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM
(Spillers), Ontek (Sarris), Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-
DoD (Lawler). There were neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present
for the vote were Digital (Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp),
and SunMicro (Hough).

18.4.1./5.1. A motion (Sarris, Freeman), that the US NB position on the CD
14481 (CSMF) ballot be YES with comments NCITS.TC.T2/97-007, was passed
unanimously (9-0-0-5) by roll call vote. Voting in favor were Boeing
(Uschold), Compuware (Sastry), ConcepTech (Sowa), FOSI (Freeman), IBM
(Spillers), Ontek (Sarris), Stanford (Genesereth), Textwise (Auspitz), and US-
DoD (Lawler). There were neither votes against nor abstentions. Not present
for the vote were Digital (Payne), LBNL (Olken), OSS (Scott), Sandia (Sharp),
and SunMicro (Hough).

18.4.1./5.2. A motion (Spillers, Lawler), that NCITS.TC.T2/97-009 be proposed
as the list of US delegates [Sarris (HOD), Lawler, Sastry, Spillers] to the
CSMF-RG July 1997 editing meeting, was approved unanimously (9-0-0-5).

18.4.1./5.2. A motion (Spillers, Lawler), that NCITS.TC.T2/97-010 be approved
as the US delegates' instructions at the CSMF-RG July 1997 editing meeting,
was approved unanimously (9-0-0-5).

22.0. A motion (Sarris, Freeman), that thanks and appreciation be given
to Bob Spillers of IBM and Eduard Hovy of USC/ISI for the excellent
accommodations, refreshments, and logistics provided for T2 meeting #40, was
passed unanimously (9-0-0-5).

22.0. A motion (Sarris, Freeman), that NCITS.TC.T2 adjourn its 40th meeting,
was passed unanimously (9-0-0-5) at 9:40 am PST on 21 March 1997.


NCITS.TC.T2 attendance list and LB responses
through meeting #40 & LB#22 (Forward TSDN for X3 final ballot)

Attendance warnable LB responses
Name (organization) 37 38 39 40 after 17 18 19 22
------------------- -- -- -- -- -------- -- -- -- --
Auspitz (Textwise) - P A V - - - -

Freeman (FOSI) V V V V v v v v

Fulton (Boeing) A V A R r r a v
Uschold (Boeing) - - - V - - - -

Genesereth (StanfordU) V R V V - - a r

Hough (SunMicro) V V V A a r r v
Tarsy (SunMicro) - - - - - - - -

Lawler (USDoD) - P V V - - - -

Olken (LBNL) - P V A - - - -

Sarris (Ontek) V V V V - - v v
Dickson (Ontek) - - - - - - - -

Payne (Digital) R A A A m38 v v v v
Ramshaw (Digital) V - - - - - - -

Sastry (Compuware) - - P V - - - -

Scott (OSS) A A A A m36 v v v v

Sharp (Sandia) V V V A v v v v
Cuyler (Sandia) - - - - - - - -

Sowa (ConceptTech) V V V V - - - v

Spillers (IBM) P V V V - - - v

* Notes on X3T2 letter ballots:
#17: X3T2/93-136 U.S. pos., ASN.1/ER Technical corrigenda
#18: X3T2/93-135 U.S. pos., DIS 10967-1 (LIA-1)
#19: X3T2/94-051 U.S. pos., DIS 11404 (LID)
#22: X3T2/96-006 Forward dpANS X3.208 to X3 for letter ballot

Letter ballots #20 (X3T2/95-030) & #21 (X3T2/95-034) were 7-day
"default" ballots, not affecting attendance requirements

Documents at NCITS.TC.T2 meeting #40
Marina del Rey, CA -- 19-21 March 1997
(as of 22 March 1997)

-005 c J.Sowa Knowledge Representation, Appendix B: Sample Ontology
-006d c E.Hovy What would it mean to measure an ontology? (draft)
-007 c TC.T2 Proposed US position on CD 14481 (CSMF) ballot
-008 a TC.T2 Proposed US position on FCD 10967-2 (LIA-2) ballot
-009 c TC.T2 Proposed US delegate list, July 1997 CSMF-RG meeting
-010 c TC.T2 US delegates' instructions, July 1997 CSMF-RG meeting


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Unnumbered documents
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Murray F. Freeman Phone: 1.717.857.0658 *
* FOSI Limited Fax: 1.717.857.1378 *
* P.O.Box 184 Email: x3t2mf@ptd.net *
* Paupack, PA 18451-0184 *
* USA *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *