(Fwd) WG10 workshop on Architectures for Industrial Data

Anthony K. Sarris (tony@ontek.com)
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:00:40 -0700

Dear ontologists,

I've mentioned in the X3T2 meetings that a number of groups defining
application domain models are becoming interested in the subject of
'ontologies', in the sense of adding semantic depth to what are typically
data/information, data flow and perhaps some process or state-transition
models. The STEP product data modeling community is perhaps chief among
these groups. They are organizing a workshop at NIST in metro D.C., as
noted below. Given my schedule, I very likely will NOT be attending this
workshop, but others of you may be interested in attending -- particularly
if the timing coincides with anything going on in the DARPA or other
government R&D communities. Please let me know if you plan to attend, as I
would be happy to discuss with you the background of the ISO Joint
Standards Workshop and my knowledge of the current STEP-related work in
this area.

Tony Sarris

>From: Julian Fowler <jfowler@pdtsolutions.co.uk>
>Organization: PDT Solutions
>To: jsw@cme.nist.gov
>Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 19:08:14 -0500
>Subject: (Fwd) WG10 workshop on Architectures for Industrial Data
>Reply-To: jfowler@pdtsolutions.co.uk
>X-Confirm-Reading-To: jfowler@pdtsolutions.co.uk
>X-Pmrqc: 1
>Priority: normal
>Participants in the Joint Standards Workshop may be interested in the
>following activity. Although ISO TC184/SC4's work does not directly
>addressed that discussed at the JSW, our interest in developing
>consistent domain ontologies and the necessary infrastructure to
>support exchange and sharing of information based on such ontologies,
>should be of interest to several of the JTC1 groups who participated
>in the Bellevue meeting in September.
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>As previously announced, there will be a WG10 Workshop on the
>subject of "Architectures for Industrial Data" on January 7, 8 and
>9, 1997. The workshop will start at 0800 each day and will finish by
>1600 on the last day. The venue will be the National Institute of
>Standards and Technology in Maryland, USA.
>The outline agenda for the workshop is as follows:
>Day 1
>Goals of the Workshop
>Presentations by participants
>Day 2
>Discussion of issues arising from presentations
> - what are the requirements that SC4's standards address? should
> address?
> - how well do the SC4 standards fulfil these requirements
> - what are the criteria for an Architecture for industrial data?
> - what are the components of such an architecture?
> - how do these components relate to the current SC4 standards?
>Day 3
>Synthesis of meeting results
>Plans for further activities
>As stated above, it is planned to devote most of the first day to
>presentations of papers of relevance to the topic of the workshop.
>Members of WG10, other experts in SC4, liaison bodies, industrial
>companies and consortia, research organizations and academia are
>invited to submit abstracts for presentations. A small steering
>committee will be formed from amongst WG10's members to review these
>abstracts and to determine the details of the programme for the
>workshop accordingly. In order to gain the widest possible sample of
>inputs, presenters are asked to restrict their presentations to 30
>minutes -- this will allow for between 10 and 12 different
>presentations on the opening day of the workshop.
>Workshop papers
>Presenters will be asked to make available a written form of their
>presentation available *by December 27 at the latest*, to enable
>other participants to prepare for the workshop. A World Wide Web
>site will be established for the workshop; this site will be used to
>make the workshop papers available to participants and other
>interested parties. If possible, presenters should submit their
>papers in HTML form for inclusion in the web site. Otherwise, a
>downloadable electronic form should be provided (MS-Word, PostScript,
>etc.). There will be no written procedures of the workshop in
>addition to the material available on the Web.
>Attendees should confirm their intent to participate in the workshop
>by December 6
>Those wishing to present papers at the workshop should submit
>short abstracts by November 29
>The Steering Committee will confirm the programme of presentations by
>December 6
>Presenters must submit their written presentations by December 27 for
>inclusion in the workshop website
>Information about the workshop webpage will be announced shortly.
>Julian Fowler
>Convener, ISO TC184/SC4/WG10 Technical Architecture
>Julian Fowler, PDT Solutions Phone: +44 (0) 161 929 4437
>Carlton Business Centre Fax: +44 (0) 161 929 4438
>22 Greenwood Street Direct phone/fax: +44 (0) 1943 831688
>Altrincham WA14 1RZ, UK Mobile: +44 (0) 976 886207
>http://www.pdt1.demon.co.uk/ E-mail: jfowler@pdtsolutions.co.uk