X3T2 draft agenda, meeting #39

Fri, 9 Aug 96 18:38:48 PDT

Cc. eaf at cs.stanford.edu
Subject: CYC announcement - ontology

fyi... note from Fritz Lehmann announcing availability of CYC upper model.
(This note was posted on the CG list)


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Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 19:09-0500
From: Fritz Lehmann <fritz@cyc.com>
Subject: Cyc Upper Ontology now on World Wide Web
To: cg@cs.umn.edu, srkb@cs.umbc.edu, fritz@cyc.com
Message-ID: <19960810000947.9.FRITZ@GANESH.CYC.COM>

Those interested in the Cyc project may want to take a
look at the "Cyc Upper Ontology" announced below. Cyc has changed
a lot since Lenat and Guha's book came out years ago, and this
release has a lot of Cyc's most important content. This stuff is
"freely available" under the license terms, for use by others.

Yours truly, Fritz Lehmann, Cycorp




Cycorp, Austin, Texas, is the developer of the Cyc system for
mechanized common sense knowledge. Cycorp has put its "Cyc Upper
Ontology" on the Cycorp World Wide Web homepage at:


This includes approximately 3000 of Cyc's highest concepts
with the hierarchical links between them. It includes several
hundred of Cyc's thousands of semantic relations, each with its
argument-types (type signature). (The IF-THEN rules, part of Cyc's
huge "expert system for the world in general," are not included
in the current release. This release is a beta-test version of
just the ontology hierarchy, with definitions and links.)

The Upper Cyc Ontology provides a common grounding for
applications of the following types:

Natural language understanding and generation
Semantic database integration, consistency-checking, and mining
Semantic information retrieval
Ontology-constrained simulation (including virtual worlds)
Building and utilizing user models
Knowledge sharing by groups working independently

and other commercial and more far-out applications.

We invite others to build on and use the Cyc Upper Ontology (under
liberal licensing terms, at no cost) in these areas and others we
haven't imagined.

Cycorp, 3500 W. Balcones Center Dr., Austin, TX 78759