I'm passing on to you some messages I have received through great
indirection regarding recent developments on Basic Semantic Repositories
(BSRs). This I think will be of interest to the ontologists.
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 19:41:07 -0500 (EST)
From: DICJUSTICE@delphi.com
Subject: The following adds to the BSU Subject
To: us-tag@cme.nist.gov
ALEXANDRIA, VA, February 29, 1996--Representatives from the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and the
United Nations (UN) met recently at the Data Interchange
Standards Association, Inc. (DISA) in Alexandria, Va. The
organizations met to further advance the objectives of the
Basic Semantic Repository (BSR) to develop a world-wide
database for use by information providers (software
vendors), as well as users, e.g., industry.
The BSR's purpose is to serve as...
z an aid for cross-reference between different Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) directories which are maintained
by different agencies;
z an aid to the modeling process within EDI to isolate
concepts which have already been defined;
z a means of defining new data in a directory or redefining
existing data in a directory when these are brought up
for modification; and
z a focal point for the development of new concepts.
Under the guidance of the BSR Management Committee during
the recent meeting, a set of rules and procedures were
agreed to that will allow a production team to begin work on
creating the lowest common denominator forms of data called
Basic Semantic Units or BSUs. A BSU is defined as the
smallest unit of information that can be agreed upon at a
conceptual level. The process for creation of the first
series of BSUs will commence in May of 1996 with a goal to
issue the first draft units by the end of 1996. During the
meeting there was a significant level of achievement for the
BSR project. The following was established:
z stable rules and guidelines
z process for deliverables
z prioritize tasks represented in the program for delivery
of BSUs and bridges in support of the most common
X12/EDIFACT needs
The newly elected Chair, Klaus-Dieter Naujok representing
the UN, commented on the success of the meeting:
"Electronic Commerce is rapidly expanding, which creates the
need to have as much commonality in the meaning of data as
possible to provide interoperability of systems. I am
delighted at the success of this meeting. It brings us
closer to our goal of establishing an international common
agreement on basic semantic concepts in support of open data
Information managers, linguists, and terminologists in the
business sector are being asked to participate in this vital
project. Anyone interested, should contact Regina Girouard,
phone: (703) 548-7005, ext. 165; e-mail: RGIROUARD@DISA.ORG
DISA is a Virginia-based not-for-profit corporation that
serves as the secretariat for the Accredited Standards
Committee (ASC)X12, charted by ANSI in 1979. DISA is the
administrator for the Pan American EDIFDACT Board (PAEB),
which provides a forum for representation consensus to the
Pan American-designated rapporteur to the United Nations
relative to UN/EDIFACT (international) EDI standards.
Additionally, DISA administers the U.S. Technical Advisory
Groups (TAGs) for the International Technical Committee 154
(Documents and Data Elements in Administration, Commerce,
and Trade) and Joint Technical Committee Subcommittee 30
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 1996 19:37:28 -0500 (EST)
From: DICJUSTICE@delphi.com
Subject: Your Interests and Comments on the following will be appreciated.
To: us-tag@cme.nist.gov
The experimental BSR placed on line for exploration and comment
by Standards Australia and the ICARIS Project is about to move forward
in a major way.
BSUs have already been produced covering the whole range of business
systems covering stock management and financial accounting in inventory-
based organisations. These BSUs cover whole-of-database definition areas
for Indicative classes, Status classes and Event classes. (See 'The
Users Guide to the BSR' obtainable from
OR ftp://ftp.sterling.com/edi/sites/turiel.cs.mu.oz.au/bsrug.doc).
These will be added to those already on line, expanding the BSUs
in the experimental BSR on line to almost 8,000. As a sidewash,
these BSUs will cover the following intra- and inter- organisation
Internal and External Scenarios:
Product Catalogs
Requests for proprietary pricing (quotations)
Price confirmations
Contract prices
Product Activity Reporting
Despatch Advices
Advance Shipping Notices (including SSCM)
Debtor and creditor statements
Credits and adjustments
Payment remittances
Supplier Rebate notification (STI/LTI)
Supplier Rebate claims (STI/LTI)
Supplier Performance Evaluation Indices
Unit Rebate Notification
Unit Rebate Claims
Promotion Catalogs
Promotion Performance
Under/Over delivery claims and returns.
Sales Tax Reporting and Control.
Branch Operation Database Alignment
Multibranch Subledger Account control and alignment
Multibranch SKU control and alignment
Vendor Managed Inventory Performance controls
Customer Managed Inventory Performance controls.
The intention is to then move into the Product Definition area
(foreshadowed in the announcement of a major new application area
for the BSR) and the Bridge Directories for STEP and CALS to
explore the scope and requirements of a BSR in these areas.
Hopefully, this will be achieved later this year.
Before moving ahead, it would be great if all those with ideas
for improvement in the performance, or scope of the BSR would
send me those comments for inclusion into the software before
expanding the experimental BSR in such a major way.
Please address all comments to:
Comments are requested by mid April at the latest.
Ken Steel
The University of Melbourne,
Department of Computer Science
************* END OF MESSAGES *******************
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