Message-Id: Date: Thu, 8 Jul 93 16:23 EDT From: (Peter F. Patel-Schneider) To: krss@ISI.EDU Subject: new version of KRSS DL specification There is a new version of the KRSS DL specification, which I am sending out. The change log for this version follows. Changes to Specification 30 June change (individual-fillers I R) to (individual-fillers IN R) change assert to state, close to close-role, close-fillers to close-role-fillers, fills to fillers, and fills-only to only-fillers multiple typographical fixes test suite exists 14 June require definition before use of names, (use before definition causes problems with close) remove "epistemic" from semantics move roles from the core to the number restriction extension move close from the core to the number restriction extension add defined and undefined description operators 26 January several clarifications and unimportant changes removed misleading abstract syntax for domains and ranges added definitions for retrievals 14 January roles allowed in attribute conjunctions as long as the first is an attribute fixed treatment of disjoint primitive concepts in translation to simple KBs extensively revised compliance section 4 December formatting changes add in abstract syntax from DFKI paper several clarifications slightly different way of going from KBs to simple KBs slightly different way of going from KBs to semantics subsumptions use only the definitions bug fixes - fills 25 November Put in complete semantics (i.e., don't defer to DFKI paper) 19 November New Overview Complete queries and retrievals Divided Section on Statements and Knowledge Bases into two sections Added definition of the mode-line Expanded and clarified the semantics. Validation added Extended cores 3 November Nomenclature changes: concept description -> concept role description -> role attribute description -> attribute individual description -> individual Added fills-only and test to concepts Changed THING and NOTHING to top and bottom Added bottom role and attribute Added test to roles Added distinct and anonymous individual definitions Added define-rule (and removed implies) Added "assert" Added conjunction, disjunction, and negation of assertions Changed "fills" to "related" Added individual equality Added 'known-filler' role closure Distinct name spaces for concepts, roles, and individuals Forward references allowed (but no cyclic definitions) Added comments starting with ";" Mentioned mode-line comment Changed subsumes? to concept-subsumes? or role-subsumes? Changed fills? to related? Changed "define-role" and "define-attribute" to "-primitive-" in core Removed number restrictions from core Removed close from core Cleared up pragmatics section of core Will not be done for a while (if ever) Uninterpreted objects (input from Phillip H. needed) Multiple KBs (i.e., multiple name spaces) Full FOL expressiveness in descriptions Full FOL assertions Concrete domains N-place definitions Cyclic definitions Closing entire concepts or roles Defaults Query Language Retraction, including KB removal Non-complete-on-subset cores