This theory defines a task ontology for the job assignment task. The job assignment task, which is a class of sheduling problems, is a problem of assigning all given jobs to the available resources within the time range, while satisfying various constraints. This theory is based on Ontolingua V 3.0
Jat-Generic Frame-Ontology Kif-Relations Kif-Sets Kif-Lists Kif-Numbers
No theories include Job-Assignment-Task.
Assignment-Object Source Job Target Resource Jat-Time-Range Discrete-Time-Range-Class Unit-Time-Range-Class Fixed-Length-Job-Class Unit-Length-Job-Class Temporally-Fixed-Job-Class
The following constants were used from included theories:
All constants that were mentioned were defined.
ASSIGNMENT-OBJECT denotes an object appearing generally in assignment problems.
SOURCE denotes an object to be assigned to an object of TARGET.
TARGET denotes an object to which an object of SOURCE is to be assigned.
ASSIGNMENT denotes a mapping from SOURCE to TARGET.
JOB is an abstract class that denotes an object to be assigned toa resource, or a collection of such objects.
TEMPORALLY-FIXED-JOB-CLASS denotes a job whose assignment to a time range is predefined.
Slots Of Instances:
(<=> (Temporally-Fixed-Job-Class ?Class) (And (Class ?Class) (Subclass-Of ?Class Job) (Slot-Cardinality ?Class Assigned-Time-Range 1) ))
FIXED-LENGTH-JOB-CLASS denotes a job whoes length is independent of a resource and fixed.
Slots Of Instances:
(<=> (Fixed-Length-Job-Class ?Class) (And (Class ?Class) (Subclass-Of ?Class Job) (Slot-Cardinality ?Class Fixed-Length-Job.Length 1) ))
UNIT-LENGTH-JOB denotes a job whose length is the same.
Slots Of Instances:
(<=> (Unit-Length-Job-Class ?Class) (And (Fixed-Length-Job-Class ?Class) (Value-Cardinality ?Class Job-Unit-Length 1) (Forall (?I) (=> (Instance-Of ?I ?Class) (= (Fixed-Length-Job.Length ?I) (Job-Unit-Length ?Class) )))))
Each job class of unit-length-job-class has its own length.
JOB.LENGTH returns a duration of the job.
(Nth-Domain Job.Length 3 Duration) (Nth-Domain Job.Length 2 Resource) (Nth-Domain Job.Length 1 Job)
FIXED-LENGTH-JOB.LENGTH returns a duration of the job. The length does not depend on resources.
JOB-TIME-RAGNE returns a time range where a job is permitted tobe assigned
RESOURCE is an abstract class that denotes an object to which ajob is assigned, or a collection of such objects.
JAT-TIME-RANGE denotes a time range which is referred to in the job assignment task.
DISCRETE-TIME-RANGE-CLASS denotes a time range whose start time and end time are measured by a time-range-unit.
Slots Of Instances:
(<=> (Discrete-Time-Range-Class ?Class) (And (Class ?Class) (Value-Cardinality ?Class Time-Range-Unit 1) (Forall (?I) (=> (Instance-Of ?I ?Class) (And (Measured-By (Time-Range.Start-Time ?I) (Time-Range-Unit ?Class) ) (Measured-By (Time-Range.End-Time ?I) (Time-Range-Unit ?Class) ))))))
A time-range class of discrete-time-range-class has its own minimun unit of duration.
A time point ?tp can be measured by a unit of duration ?unit.
UNIT-TIME-RANGE-CLASS deontes a time ragne whose duration is a unit length.
(<=> (Unit-Time-Range-Class ?Class) (And (Discrete-Time-Range-Class ?Class) (Forall (?I) (=> (Instance-Of ?I ?Class) (= (Time-Range.Duration ?I) (Time-Range-Unit ?Class) )))))
ASSIGNED-RESOURCE returns a resouce to which a job is assinged.
ASSIGNED-TIME_RANGE returns a time range to which a job is assigned.