;;(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1992 
;; This file is included in the IBM Research Report RT0084, 
;; "Task-Specific Language Constructs for Describing Constrints in 
;;  Job Assignment Probelms" by T.Hama, M.Hori, and Y.Nakamura. 

(in-package "ONTOLINGUA-USER") 

(define-theory JAT-GENERIC (frame-ontology) 
    "This theory defines a generic ontology. Concepts in this ontolgy 
can be shared in several different tasks. Only temporal concepts are 
defined at present. 
This theory is based on Ontolingua V 3.0") 

(in-theory 'JAT-GENERIC) 

;; Definitions of second order classes 

(define-class INTEGER-RANGE (?class) 
  "An integer range is a class of integers specified by lower 
and upper bounds.  Instances of an integer-range are integers." 
  :iff-def (and (class ?class) 
                (subclass-of ?class integer) 
                (= (value-cardinality ?class I-LOWER-BOUND) 1) 
                (= (value-cardinality ?class I-UPPER-BOUND) 1) 
                (forall ?i (=> (instance-of ?i ?class) 
                               (and (=< (i-lower-bound ?class) ?i) 
                                    (=< ?i (i-upper-bound ?class))))))) 

(define-function I-LOWER-BOUND (?range) :-> ?integer 
  "(I-LOWER-BOUND r) denotes the integer lower bound of range r." 
  :def (and (integer-range ?range) 
            (integer ?integer))) 

(define-function I-UPPER-BOUND (?range) :-> ?integer 
  "(I-UPPER-BOUND r) denotes the integer upper bound of range r." 
  :def (and (integer-range ?range) 
            (integer ?integer))) 

(define-class REAL-RANGE (?class) 
  "An real range is a class of real numbers specified by lower 
and upper bounds.  Instances of an real-range are real numbers." 
  :iff-def (and (class ?class) 
                (subclass-of ?class real-number) 
                (= (value-cardinality ?class R-LOWER-BOUND) 1) 
                (= (value-cardinality ?class R-UPPER-BOUND) 1) 
                (forall ?i (=> (instance-of ?i ?class) 
                               (and (=< (r-lower-bound ?class) ?i) 
                                    (=< ?i (r-upper-bound ?class))))))) 

(define-function R-LOWER-BOUND (?range) :-> ?real 
  "(R-LOWER-BOUND r) denotes the real lower bound of range r." 
  :def (and (real-range ?range) 
            (real-number ?real))) 

(define-function R-UPPER-BOUND (?range) :-> ?real 
  "(R-UPPER-BOUND r) denotes the real upper bound of range r." 
  :def (and (real-range ?range) 
            (real-number ?real))) 

;; Definitions related to TIME-RANGE 

(define-class TIME-RANGE (?time-range)  
    "TIME-RANGE denotes a certain period of time. It consists of a 
start time, an end time. A start time must proceed an end time. 
Relations between TIME-RANGEs are defined after James Allen's interval 
    :def (individual ?time-range) 
    :constraints (tp=  (tp+ (time-range.start-time ?time-range) 
			    (time-range.duration ?time-range)) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?time-range)) 

(define-function TIME-RANGE.START-TIME (?time-range) :-> ?time-point 
    "(TR-START-TIME 'tr) denotes a start time of a time range tr." 
    :def (and (time-range ?time-range) 
	      (time-point ?time-point)) 

(define-function TIME-RANGE.END-TIME (?time-range) :-> ?time-point 
    "(TR-END-TIME 'tr) denotes an end time of a time range tr." 
    :def (and (time-range ?time-range) 
	      (time-point ?time-point)) 

(define-function TIME-RANGE.DURATION (?time-range) :-> ?duration 
    "(TR-END-DURATION 'tr) denotes a duration of a time range tr." 
    :def (and (time-range ?time-range) 
	      (duration ?duration)) 

(define-relation BEFORE (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 preceeds a time ranage ?tr2."		  
    :iff-def (tp< (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		  (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 

(define-relation AFTER (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 succeeds a time range ?tr2." 
    :iff-def (tp< (time-range.end-time ?tr2) 
		  (time-range.start-time ?tr1)) 
    :equivalent (before ?tr2 ?tr1) ;redundant 

(define-relation MEETS (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 ends at the same time a time range ?tr2 starts." 
    :iff-def (tp= (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		  (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 

(define-relation EQUALS (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 is identical to a time range ?tr2."		  
    :iff-def (and (tp= (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (tp= (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

(define-relation DURING (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 is properly included in a time range ?tr2." 
    :iff-def (and (tp> (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (tp< (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

(define-relation OVERLAPS (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 and a time range ?tr2 overlaps."		  
    :iff-def (and (tp< (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (tp< (time-range.start-time ?tr2) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr1)) 
		  (tp< (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

(define-relation STARTS (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 and a time range ?tr2 starts at the same time 
and a duration of ?tr1 is shorter than that of ?tr2." 
    :iff-def (and (tp= (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (tp< (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

(define-relation FINISHES (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "a time range ?tr1 and a time range ?tr2 ends at the same time and 
a duration of ?tr1 is shorter than that of ?tr2." 
    :iff-def (and (tp> (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (tp= (time-range.end-time ?tr1) 
		       (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

(define-relation BEFORE= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (before ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (meets ?tr1 ?tr2)) 

(define-relation AFTER= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (after ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (meets ?tr2 ?tr1)) 

(define-relation DURING= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (during ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (starts ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (finishes ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (equals ?tr1 ?tr2)) 

(define-relation OVERLAPS= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (overlaps ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (meets ?tr1 ?tr2)) 

(define-relation START= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (starts ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (equals ?tr1 ?tr2)) 

(define-relation FINISHES= (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    :iff-def (or (finishes ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (equals ?tr1 ?tr2)) 

(define-relation DISJOINT-TR (?tr1 ?tr2) 
    "time ranges ?tr1 and ?tr2 do not overlap" 
    :iff-def (or (before ?tr1 ?tr2) 
		 (before ?tr2 ?tr1)) 

(define-function TR+ (?tr1 ?duration) :-> ?tr2 
    "TR+ denotes a time range ?tr2 whose length is longer that ?tr1 by 
a duration ?duration." 
    :iff-def (and (= (time-range.start-time ?tr1) 
		     (time-range.start-time ?tr2)) 
		  (= (tp+ (time-range.end-time ?tr1) ?duration) 
		     (time-range.end-time ?tr2))) 

;; Definition related to TIME-POINT 

(define-class TIME-POINT (?time-point) 
    "TIME denotes a cetain point of time. It consists of year, month, 
day, hour, minute, second, and a unit of time. Any details smaller 
than a unit of a time are not defined. For example, if a unit of time 
is 2 hour, values of time-minute and time-second are meaningless." 
    :def (individual ?time-point) 

(define-class YEAR-NUMBER (?year) 
    "YEAR-NUMBER deontes a year of A.D." 
    :def (integer ?year) 

(define-class MONTH-NUMBER (?month) 
    "MONTH-NUMBER deontes a month of a year." 
    :axiom-def (and (integer-range month-number) 
		    (= (i-lower-bound month-number) 1) 
		    (= (i-upper-bound month-number) 12)) 

(define-class MONTH-NAME (?month) 
    "MONTH-NAME denotes a name of a month of a year." 
    :iff-def (member ?month 
		     (setof january february march april may june july 
			    august september october november december)) 

(define-instance january (month-name)) 
(define-instance february (month-name)) 
(define-instance march (month-name)) 
(define-instance april (month-name)) 
(define-instance may (month-name)) 
(define-instance june (month-name)) 
(define-instance july (month-name)) 
(define-instance august (month-name)) 
(define-instance september (month-name)) 
(define-instance october (month-name)) 
(define-instance november (month-name)) 
(define-instance december (month-name)) 

(define-class DAY-NUMBER (?day) 
    "DAY-NUMBER denotes a day of a month." 
    :axiom-def (and (integer-range day-number) 
		    (= (i-lower-bound day-number) 1) 
		    (= (i-upper-bound day-number) 31)) 

(define-class DAY-NAME (?day) 
    "DAY-NAME denotes a name of a day of a week." 
    :iff-def (member ?day 
		     (setof sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday 
			    friday saturday)) 

(define-instance sunday (day-name)) 
(define-instance monday (day-name)) 
(define-instance tuesday (day-name)) 
(define-instance wednesday (day-name)) 
(define-instance thursday (day-name)) 
(define-instance friday (day-name)) 
(define-instance saturday (day-name)) 

(define-class HOUR-NUMBER (?hour) 
    "HOUR-NUMBER denotes an hour of a day." 
    :axiom-def (and (integer-range hour-number) 
		    (= (i-lower-bound hour-number) 0) 
		    (= (i-upper-bound hour-number) 23)) 

(define-class MINUTE-NUMBER (?minute) 
    "MINUTE-NUMBER denotes a minute of a hour." 
    :axiom-def (and (integer-range minute-number) 
		    (= (i-lower-bound minute-number) 0) 
		    (= (i-upper-bound minute-number) 59)) 

(define-class SECOND-NUMBER (?second) 
    "SECOND-NUMBER denotes a second of a minute." 
    :axiom-def (and (real-range second-number) 
		    (= (r-lower-bound second-number) 0) 
		    (= (r-upper-bound second-number) 59)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.YEAR (?time-point) :-> ?year 
    "TIME-POINT.YEAR denotes a year of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (year-number ?year)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.MONTH (?time-point) :-> ?month 
    "TIME-POINT.MONTH denotes a month of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (month-number ?month)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.MONTH-NAME (?time-point) :-> ?month 
    "TIME-POINT.MONTH-NAME denotes a name of a month of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (month-name ?month)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.DAY (?time-point) :-> ?day 
    "TIME-POINT.DAY denotes a day of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (day-number ?day)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.DAY-NAME (?time-point) :-> ?day 
    "TIME-POINT.DAY-NAME denotes a name of a day of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (day-name ?day)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.HOUR (?time-point) :-> ?hour 
    "TIME-POINT.HOUR denotes an hour of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (hour-number ?hour)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.MINUTE (?time-point) :-> ?minute 
    "TIME-POINT.MINUTE denotes a minute of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (minute-number ?minute)) 

(define-function TIME-POINT.SECOND (?time-point) :-> ?second 
    "TIME-SECOND denotes a second of a time point."	       
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (second-number ?second)) 
(define-function TIME-POINT.UNIT (?time-point) :-> ?unit 
    "TIME-UNIT denotes a unit of a time point." 
    :def (and (time-point ?time-point) 
	      (duration ?unit)) 

(define-relation TP= (?tp1 ?tp2) 
    " a time point ?tp1 is equal to a time point ?tp2." 
    :iff-def (and (= (time-point.year ?tp1) (time-point.year ?tp2)) 
		  (= (time-point.month ?tp1) (time-point.month ?tp2)) 
		  (= (time-point.day ?tp1) (time-point.day ?tp2)) 
		  (= (time-point.hour ?tp1) (time-point.hour ?tp2)) 
		  (= (time-point.minute ?tp1) (time-point.minute ?tp2)) 
		  (= (time-point.second ?tp1) (time-point.second ?tp2))) 

(define-relation TP< (?tp1 ?tp2) 
    "a time point ?tp1 preceeds a time point ?tp2." 
    :iff-def (or (< (time-point.year ?tp1) 
		    (time-point.year ?tp2)) 
		 (and (= (time-point.year ?tp1) 
			 (time-point.year ?tp2)) 
		      (or (< (time-point.month ?tp1) 
			     (time-point.month ?tp2)) 
			  (and (= (time-point.month ?tp1) 
				  (time-point.month ?tp2)) 
			       (or (< (time-point.day ?tp1) 
				      (time-point.day ?tp2)) 
				   (and (= (time-point.day ?tp1) 
					   (time-point.day ?tp2)) 
					(or (< (time-point.hour ?tp1) 
					       (time-point.hour ?tp2)) 
					    (and (= (time-point.hour ?tp1) 
						    (time-point.hour ?tp2)) 
						 (or (< (time-point.minute ?tp1) 
							(time-point.minute ?tp2)) 
						     (and (= (time-point.minute ?tp1) 
							     (time-point.minute ?tp2)) 
							  (or (< (time-point.second ?tp1) 
								 (time-point.second ?tp2))))))))))))) 

(define-relation TP> (?tp1 ?tp2) 
    "inverse of TP<" 
    :iff-def (tp< ?tp2 ?tp1) 

(define-function TP+ (?tp1 ?duration) :-> ?tp2 
    "A difference between tow time points ?tp1 and ?tp2 is a 
     duration ?duration." 
    :def (and (time-point ?tp1) 
	      (duration ?duration) 
	      (time-point ?tp2)) 

;; Definitions related to DURATION 

(define-class DURATION (?duration) 
    "DURATION denotes a period of time. It consists of a value and a 
    :def (individual ?duration) 

(define-function DURATION.VALUE (?duration) :-> ?value 
    "DURATION.VALUE returns a length of a duration in a cetain measure." 
    :def (and (duration ?duration) 
	      (integer ?value)) 

(define-function DURATION.MEASURE (?duration) :-> ?measure 
    "DURATION.MEASURE returns a mesure of a length of a duration." 
    :def (and (duration ?duration) 
	      (temporal-measure ?measure)) 

(define-relation DR= (?dr1 ?dr2)  
    "Two duration is the same length." 
    :def (and (duration ?dr1) 
	      (duration ?dr2)) 

(define-relation DR< (?dr1 ?dr2) 
    "A duration ?dr1 is shorter than a duration ?dr2." 
    :def (and (duration ?dr1) 
	      (duration ?dr2)) 

(define-relation DR> (?dr1 ?dr2) 
    :iff-def (dr> ?dr2 ?dr1) 

(define-function DR+ (?dr1 ?dr2) :-> ?dr3 
    :def (and (duration ?dr1) 
	      (duration ?dr2) 
	      (duration ?dr3)) 

;; Definitions related to TEMPORAL-MEASURE 

(define-class TEMPORAL-MEASURE (?measure) 
    "TEMPORAL-MEASURE denotes a measure of a length of a temporal 
    :iff-def (member ?measure 
		     (setof year month day hour minute second)) 

(define-instance year (temporal-measure)) 
(define-instance month (temporal-measure)) 
(define-instance day (temporal-measure)) 
(define-instance hour (temporal-measure)) 
(define-instance minute (temporal-measure)) 
(define-instance second (temporal-measure)) 

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