;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package:ONTOLINGUA-USER; Base:10 -*- 
;;; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford Univesity 
;;; Author: Adam Farquhar (Adam_Farquhar@ksl.stanford.edu) 
;;; File Description: 
;;;    This file contains the ONTOLINGUA background definitions 
;;;    required for DME domain theories. 

(in-package "ONTOLINGUA-USER") 

(define-theory DME (:CML) 
  "The DME ontology defines concepts shared across DME domain theories." 

(in-theory :DME) 

(define-class system-model (?m) 
  "A SYSTEM-MODEL is an aggragate entity." 
  :def (entity ?m) 

(define-class dme-user::operating-mode-model (?m) 
  "An OPERATING-MODE-MODEL is a model-fragment that describes the 
behavior of a modeled object under a particular operating regime." 
  :def (model-fragment ?m) 

(define-class structural-element-model (?m) 
  "A STRUCTURAL-ELEMENT-MODEL is an entity that directly corresponds 
to a physical component or device such as a pump or container." 
  :def (entity ?m) 

(define-class thing (?m) 
  "A THING is the most general type of physical object." 
  :def (entity ?m) 

(define-class terminal (?x) 
  "In DME, all connections occur over a TERMINAL." 
  :def (entity ?x) 

(define-class junction (?x) 
  "A JUNCTION is a conceptual entity that represents the connection 
between a set of terminals." 

(define-class connection (?x) 
  "A CONNECTION is a binary relation that expresses a kind of connection 
between two entities.  It is a second order relation." 
  :def (binary-relation ?x) 

(define-relation connected-terminals (?x ?y) 
  "When two terminals are connected together, then the 
CONNECTED-TERMINALS relation holds between them." 

(define-relation all= (?set) 
  "A set is ALL= if all of its elements are equal." 
  :def (set ?set) 

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